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  1. D

    Review: Camden FH $160 Value for $50-The Condom snatcher Andrea

    When I went last week, I had a 20 min session with Crystal and then took a 45 min break and had a beverage at the taco shop and relaxed, surfed the web on my phone for a while. Then went back and had another session with Crystal before heading home to watch the NFL playoff games. It was a...
  2. D

    Fast House in North Philly

    The legal risks to operating a place like this are huge, "if" and it's a big "if" they want to really make an example out of the owner. But most of these places are fronted by immigrant women and there are no great headlines to be had putting a 65-year-old Asian women in jail for 25 years. So...
  3. D

    Review: Camden FH $160 Value for $50-The Condom snatcher Andrea

    I have had 2 really good experiences here and 1 that wasn't bad. Crystal and Michelle were great and the other time it was fine and still a great value for $50 but nothing that great. But since they rotate so frequently you are always rolling the dice. The good part is its only $50 so even if...
  4. D

    Review: Camden FH $160 Value for $50-The Condom snatcher Andrea

    The lineup changes every Sunday evening, so perhaps this weeks lineup isn't very good. I saw Crystal there last Friday and on Sunday (twice on Sunday) and had a great time. But she was leaving on Sunday evening for NY, and I haven't been back this week. Next Monday it will be a completely new...
  5. D

    Review: Camden FH - Crystal

    This place also gets a new lineup every week. So Monday it’s all new girls through the next Sunday. So a review at the beginning of the week is much more helpful than a review on Saturday night.
  6. D

    What if your favorite spa offered a subscription service?

    I have thought about this, kind of like a golf membership. Instead of paying the daily green fees you buy a membership and can play as much as you want. First, if it were going to include both the tip and house fee at a FS place, it would have to be more than $1000 a month. At $1k a month it...
  7. D

    Review: Camden FH $160 Value for $50-The Condom snatcher Andrea

    You have to just show up. This place doesn't send pics or have a phone number where you make appointments or a fancy website. You show up, ring the doorbell, see what is available and buy a chip if you like what is available. It is a really great value and some of the women working there are...
  8. D

    Review: Galsiarea - No Fun Zone

    At this price point, you would expect much better service but the Latinas, for the most part, don’t provide the same service level as the Asians. They look great but they tend to want to get right down to business. For a shorter session at a lower price point they can be a decent option but a...
  9. D

    Review: Camden FH - Cristal

    Just saw Crystal, wow! Smoking hot body and damn good service. This place is a great addition to the scene. I agree it’s nice to go to an AMP once a week or so but I don’t always need a table shower and massage. Sometimes I just want to knock one out and get on with the day. This place is...
  10. D

    Review: Pink Spa - Lisa

    BTW, it is not the same Lisa. I texted them and it is a "new" Lisa. I think the previous Lisa had MM Cs as well so this is not her.
  11. D

    Review: Pink Spa - Lisa

    I wonder if this is the same Lisa that worked at Pink a while ago. She wasn’t the most GFE but her service wasn’t bad. She actually gave a pretty decent table shower if I remember correctly.
  12. D

    New Star

    I only saw her once and while it was good, I never really formed a connection with her. She had a nice body. I was considering seeing her again but just always went with someone else.
  13. D

    Unadvertised AMP’s

    I think most of them go on word of mouth. I am sure this site helps some of them. I remember back in the day when they would advertise at the bottom of the sports section in the Newspaper. But most of the good ones keep a low profile and word gets around.
  14. D

    New Star

    Candy was good. Originally from Sun Spa and then worked at NS before returning to Sun. I have no idea where she is now or if she retired. Another name from the past was Cherry from Sun Spa. I wonder if this Cherry could be the same Cherry from Sun Spa back in 2021, “wild cherry”, she was a...
  15. D

    New Star

    In terms of looks, Yoko is the most beautiful gal to work at NS. She has a very pretty face and a really good body. And her service, as most everyone knows already, is great. But from a looks standpoint, I just find her very attractive. Tina’s service is great and she is also attractive but...
  16. D

    New Star

    New Star was originally Yoko, Tina and Sky. All excellent but IMHO 1.) Yoko 2.) Tina and 3.) Sky. They have tried to bring in some new additions with mixed results. I think Amber is good. Some guys really liked Sarah, I thought her service was good but looks/body were just ok. Candy was...
  17. D

    New Star

    Thanks for TOFT and checking her out. Anything specific or just mediocre service, no passion, etc?
  18. D

    Review: Blue at New Star

    We will see how they work out. Based on the recent reviews, the last group wasn’t very good so I am not getting my hopes up. Tina retuning would be great.
  19. D

    Review: Blue at New Star

    I visited yesterday to see Amber and had a nice time. I talked to the Emo for a while before my session and she said it's been slow. She said Tina might come back later this month and Yoko is planning to come back hopefully sometime next week. That would really help things at NS. The thing...
  20. D

    Review: Review- Sun Spa- Choi and a break

    You must have seen Choi right before she left for NJ. I miss Penny/Choi. But I think moving on was best for them. I think they both were tired of hassles from the city inspectors, the homeless, etc. Then there was NS right down the street and the history there. But both are excellent and...