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GGT Ladies


The above was a gift to me from an ATF. Guess who
Messages: 496
Reviews: 32
FYI, Cindy is in China she left the Sunday before the unwanted visitors arrived. Rebeca and Phoenix both work with Cici in Martinsville at A New Day Wellness. I am not sure about Mona, but all of these ladies are connected through their work in Bridgewater at the now closed Therapy Wholistic and 202/206.


Registered Member
Messages: 53
Reviews: 2
FYI, Cindy is in China she left the Sunday before the unwanted visitors arrived. Rebeca and Phoenix both work with Cici in Martinsville at A New Day Wellness. I am not sure about Mona, but all of these ladies are connected through their work in Bridgewater at the now closed Therapy Wholistic and 202/206. on Rose?


Review Contributor
Messages: 28
Reviews: 8
Just learned of the GGT shutdown today. Texted and called, no answer, drove by and saw the lights off and outside door shut. Piggy-backing off this post, anyone know what other places Yoyo (or Yuyu) works in? She had been doing Tuesdays at GGT for a bit now.

Anyone know where the GGT ladies landed? Cindy, Rebecca, Mona, Phoenix?


Registered Member
Messages: 123
Reviews: 8
FYI, Cindy is in China she left the Sunday before the unwanted visitors arrived. Rebeca and Phoenix both work with Cici in Martinsville at A New Day Wellness. I am not sure about Mona, but all of these ladies are connected through their work in Bridgewater at the now closed Therapy Wholistic and 202/206.
Am I missing a thread? Is there a different one about the closing?


Registered Member
Messages: 123
Reviews: 8
Not sure why guys can't handle the reality of this hobby let alone the unwritten code of conduct. Look when a provider moves on, get the fuck over it, go on to the next one. She doesn't love you, she just acts like she does to get a better tip. If you are "looking for love" as the song implies, these are all the wrong places. Then there are the assholes that disrespect and abuse the providers. More than anything, they are human beings deserving of at least basic courtesy and respect. The establishments that make these providers available should at least get some degree of discretion by their patrons. If you don't like the place simply say "it's not for me" "I'm gonna pass" "not my cup of tea". End of story. Too many hobbyists think they're too important to have the occasional negative experience. Guess what you're not special. Toftt and man the fuck up.

Then there are the fucking idiots who can't even take the basic steps to ward off suspicions from their SO's. You know like:
1. Have a believable cover story to explain where you are going or have been for the past few hours.
2. Have an explanation for large cash withdrawals from joint accounts, or better yet keep your hobby money in a separate account.
3. Reserve money for the "special occasions". I.e. if there is no money for birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries, that kinda makes the SO's suspicious.
4. Discretion, Discretion. DISCRETION!!! How many hobbyists are posting to this and other review boards on computers that are used by SO's??? If suspicious search histories are used to convict criminals(as we've all seen on Dateline/etc.) Do you really think that it won't rouse the suspicions of a wife or girlfriend? How many of these establishments are brought down by jealous wives and girlfriends??? A woman who suspects her man always gives him enough rope to hang himself, and most men are too busy listening to their dick to realize that they are being watched.
5. If it's not for you, move on. Don't blow it up for the other fellas. Maybe you go to a place for FS and only get a HJ. Okay....move on. Some hobbyists only go for that. As the saying goes YMMV. If you don't find what you're looking for, keep looking. Go somewhere else. Try some other time. If you're such a psychopath that you can't handle it when things don't go your way that is probably why you're not scoring with anyone outside of the hobby as well. Guys who can't respect working girls probably can't respect their SO's either. If you have a problem with women, go see a psychiatrist, not a provider. If you're disrespectful of women beforehand, you're not gonna get any better by doing this. Go get yourself some help, don't make your problems, the rest of ours.
6. You never disrespect the Bing. Let a place succeed or fail on it's own. Don't blow it up or create a fucking scene or some other kind of problem at the place. You're gonna get other hobbyists in trouble, and quite likely yourself. Anyone who creates problems for providers or hobbyists should get all the bad karma that's coming their way. Stupid fucks always get caught because they cause problems. If the situation doesn't go your way, learn from it and move the fuck on.
7. She's not your girlfriend, and she doesn't "love" you. Jealousy has no place in this hobby. She has the right to provide her services to whomsoever she chooses to, and likewise she has the right to refuse service to whomsoever she chooses. She doesn't belong to you, deal with it you clingy POS. If you can't handle that fact of life, go jerk off and let the rest of us hobby.
8. Don't ever harm a provider, she's not your slave, she's not obligated to perform any service whatsoever. If she's not into you it's probably for a reason, maybe you stink, maybe you're rude, maybe you're putting the red flags up. Whatever it is, move on and take your money elsewhere. Money is not power, it is a medium to exchange for goods and services. If the service provider doesn't want to provide you a service, thats her choice. Think it through for a minute, sure she's a great lay, how do you think she got that way???? Are you fantasizing about bringing her home in your crappy car to your crappy basement apartment that you "rent" from your mom??? Better yet, ya gonna take her home to meet your parents??? Wake the fuck up and realize who you are and what you are doing. This hobby attracts 2 types of hobbyists, the first are guys who are in committed relationships that just want a little adventure and variety from their daily grind, and the other type are the guys who can't get a date in their own right, have no respect for women, or are looking to take out their frustration on some provider because they aren't man enough to deal with the things they need to at work or in their other relationships. The latter are usually the ones who screw up things for everyone. They are also the ones you see in the news stories and on the "alerts" section of the other message boards. The rest of us are doing this for some rest, relaxation, and stress relief, we're looking to forget our troubles for a while, not add to them.

End of rant. In case anyone was actually paying attention.


Registered Member
Messages: 123
Reviews: 8
Yea. "GGT down" from 6/28. Not sure if I can link it here, but I'll try:
Thanks brother. Already found it. Shit was getting weird last time I was there. Overbooking, people were in the back room waiting while im on the couch and 3 girls occupied. texted ahead got a "not busy, please come over now" from the girls, and the place was like a madhouse when I got there. Not a good scene, coulda seen this one coming from a mile away. Been going there for over a decade, was fun while it lasted. But too many assholes out there not paying attention to the "code of conduct". Too many fucking morons out there.


Registered Member
Messages: 123
Reviews: 8
As if anyone really needed to spell this shit out for the assholes who can't come to grips with the "etiquette" of the hobby. It's kinda like a "friend" of mine who couldn't handle that a girl that was in a group of people we were meeting at a bar liked me and was giving me play so he calls me a Cockblocker right in front of her, and when that didn't work he told her about my SO. DICK MOVES FROM DICK HEADS who can't handle their own shit.


Registered Member
Messages: 123
Reviews: 8
As if anyone really needed to spell this shit out for the assholes who can't come to grips with the "etiquette" of the hobby. It's kinda like a "friend" of mine who couldn't handle that a girl that was in a group of people we were meeting at a bar liked me and was giving me play so he calls me a Cockblocker right in front of her, and when that didn't work he told her about my SO. DICK MOVES FROM DICK HEADS who can't handle their own shit.
Fortunately, those assholes don't last long in the hobby. Even if the damage is done, we seasoned vets always have other options. So as we're out utilizing our plan b, they're at home spanking it to free clips online