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Had an unbelievable experience with an unreasonable provider yesterday


Review Contributor
Messages: 220
Reviews: 18
Sooo, i was looking through tryst for whatever reason and decided to see this one asian american provider on there. I texted her the next day to set up the appointment. Everything went smooth. Almost 3 hours later she texts and says “i just wanna confirm my schedule/calender, can you confirm your appointment for “said” time.” I didnt this see until 40 mins later as i was at work and didnt check my burner because i thought we were good and set up the appointment. As i hit up the bank, i text her and say yes i’ll confirm. Im about to hesd over. Heres my eta.
i show up, ten mins prior and text her and she says “you didnt confirm the appointment so i extended my time with someone else, i can see you in 30 mins” like wtff. We had confirmed an appointment and she messaged 3 hours later saying some bullshit can she needs to confirm her calender.

I tell her, i’ll see her 30 mins later but please respect my time as well. We had an agreement. She proceeds to call me and gaslight me and says “YOUR THE ONE WHO DIDNT REPLY UNTIL 40 MINS later, its your fault!” “If it was a doctor’s office and they call to confirm your appointment and you dont respond your gonna miss your time slot, im running a business here”

Like what the actual fuck, did she actually compare herself to a doctor? A doctor can do that because they can potentially deal with life threatening situations for patients. She seriously needs to fucking get over herself. We literally agreed on a time and almost 3 hours later she texts me again to say some other bullshit.
like i blame this behavior on this new age feminist bullshit. Now dont get me wrong, im not making a blanket statement on all women. But because its the feminist (supremacy movement btw) movement that encourages dumb idiots like the one i met yesterday to act like this. She thinks shes special or some shit. I couldnt fucking believe what i was hearing. When i tried to talk back to her, she didnt even hear me out and hung up the phone. She just said her piece and dipped. Unfucking-believable. I dont know how im this unlucky. I’ve just been dealing with some bullshit with this hobby lately, might be a sign to take a hiatus.

Im kind of glad i do this hobby. Its teaching me to not put pussy on a pedestal and see some women for what they are. Its kind of making me hate women more and more over time though


Review Contributor
Messages: 40
Reviews: 23
What are you hoping to achieve with this post? Just venting, or what?

You are blaming feminism, but you sound like a real whiner yourself, bordering on incel. Why be combative and argumentative with a provider? They have a stressful enough job as it is, they don't need your nonsense, no matter how in-the-right you think you are. If you think she needs to get over herself, well, I got news for you, bud - you need to get over yourself as well.


Review Contributor
Messages: 220
Reviews: 18
What are you hoping to achieve with this post? Just venting, or what?

You are blaming feminism, but you sound like a real whiner yourself, bordering on incel. Why be combative and argumentative with a provider? They have a stressful enough job as it is, they don't need your nonsense, no matter how in-the-right you think you are. If you think she needs to get over herself, well, I got news for you, bud - you need to get over yourself as well.
Okay, if i could delete this post i would. As i said, i wasnt making a blanket statement on all women if you read my post. I was just trying to vent because this is a forum and i thought it was the place for it. Perhaps it isnt and i will apologize for that. I wasnt trying to be combative with her at all. I merely told her we had an agreement and please be respectful of my time as well. Thats exactly how i said it. I did not cuss at her or anything man. Thats not argumentative. If you dont believe me then i dont know what to tell you. If a mod sees this, then please delete my post. I’ll rethink my behavior.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,076
Reviews: 27
I totally understand the OP’s perspective, but I also understand the girl’s. Just about every girl I’ve gotten to know has numerous stories of guys flaking out, not showing up, or cancelling last minute, etc. If that happens a few times, I can totally understand why they confirm again, although they really should anticipate that guys often use burners for this (just as they do). Since they do this as a business, they should let you know if it’s the case that they’re going to want to re-confirm the day of the appointment, or whatever. She probably should have given you more than 40 minutes to respond, just as she might also be “busy” and unable to respond in any 40-minute window. However, her response was definitely unreasonable because as soon as you told her that you just hadn’t checked your burner and that you had no way of knowing she’d need to re-confirm, her appropriate response would have been to apologize and accept her share of responsibility for the misunderstanding.

She might be an asshole in general, or it might be that assholes on our end of things have burned up what patience she might have had before being stood up or ghosted by guys after confirmation. There’s really no excuse for her response, but I’d cut her more slack for her part of the mistake, for that reason. I don’t think it’s fair to conclude that she’s necessarily “comparing” herself to a doctor OR for you to differentiate between the two on this issue, just because doctors deal with medical emergencies. They don’t “schedule” emergencies, but the business aspect is actually very similar: If either of them is in high demand, then you’re costing both of them whatever appointments they could have taken in your place if you don’t show up or cancel last minute. So, I’m with her on that part of it. It’s not like she charged you a deposit and then kept it after being 50% responsible for the misunderstanding. Consider that she’s also out the money she’d planned to get from you; so if she has that little patience and is willing to cut you and all of your possible future patronage off that quickly, my guess would be that she’s been dicked around that way more than a few times and that you just had the misfortune of paying for the assholes who burned off all the patience she might once have had with clients.


Review Contributor
Messages: 5,608
Reviews: 28
What are you hoping to achieve with this post? Just venting, or what?

You are blaming feminism, but you sound like a real whiner yourself, bordering on incel. Why be combative and argumentative with a provider? They have a stressful enough job as it is, they don't need your nonsense, no matter how in-the-right you think you are. If you think she needs to get over herself, well, I got news for you, bud - you need to get over yourself as well.
Congrats ,you get the douchebag reply of the week award.


Review Contributor
Messages: 475
Reviews: 27
What are you hoping to achieve with this post? Just venting, or what?

You are blaming feminism, but you sound like a real whiner yourself, bordering on incel. Why be combative and argumentative with a provider? They have a stressful enough job as it is, they don't need your nonsense, no matter how in-the-right you think you are. If you think she needs to get over herself, well, I got news for you, bud - you need to get over yourself as well.
I absolutely despise people like you.

OP is in the right.


Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker...
Messages: 7,106
Reviews: 144
Im kind of glad i do this hobby. Its teaching me to not put pussy on a pedestal and see some women for what they are. Its kind of making me hate women more and more over time though
I've been doing this "thing of ours" for almost 40 years.
I've been flaked on more times than I can count.
Honestly it is just something that I kind of always consider is a possibility when dealing with someone new or a girl I do not know very well.
It sucks...but it happens.
Last month it happened with a girl I knew for YEARS and for whom I went out of my way many times to help when she needed it.
That REALLY sucked.
Have a few drinks, vent here (like you did, and I did last month with a similar thread), and try to take it in stride.
It's just the way it is and just how many of these girls are.
Have a drink on me...



Review Contributor
Messages: 1,638
Reviews: 48
I had two different sugar babies flake on confirmed appointments after i paid for the day use hotels.

I had two medium end escorts flake on me after i paid deposits and then take a million years to refund my deposits and then blackball me on sw verification sites for having the gall to (i swear) extremely politely ask for my deposit back.

OP, what happened to you sucked, but it was so standard operating procedure. You need to grow a thicker skin if you want to stay in the game.


Review Contributor
Messages: 7,479
Reviews: 51
Had a scheduling issue just yesterday. Called made my appointment and showed up few minutes early. My girl takes house fee and walks out. Then MMS walks in and says something like her English wasn't that good and my girl has someone else. No I don't think so. I stood firm starred to get dressed and back and forth a few times and the other guy walked. Not sure but he may have tried to take my appointment. In the endt girl came back and it was a great time.
So stand firm or walk.


Registered Member
Messages: 101
I had two different sugar babies flake on confirmed appointments after i paid for the day use hotels.

I had two medium end escorts flake on me after i paid deposits and then take a million years to refund my deposits and then blackball me on sw verification sites for having the gall to (i swear) extremely politely ask for my deposit back.

OP, what happened to you sucked, but it was so standard operating procedure. You need to grow a thicker skin if you want to stay in the game.
Every appointment has the potential to fall through.

Max Pressure

Registered Member
Messages: 122
Reviews: 3
Should be no need to double confirm. She was working the other guy for big bucks and bumped you, simple as that.
She didn't double confirm. They set up the appointment initially, and then she texted later to confirm. I see no problem with that.

But her calling and being a brat was her needing to be right instead of saying "normally I require confirmation a few hours before due to no shows, etc."

I know a double confirmer, and it's annoying AF. But she's a legit hottie, and I don't lose my cool when we have to reschedule because I miss her second reconfirm. Like someone said, always have a plan B.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,528
Reviews: 37
Sooo, i was looking through tryst for whatever reason and decided to see this one asian american provider on there. I texted her the next day to set up the appointment. Everything went smooth. Almost 3 hours later she texts and says “i just wanna confirm my schedule/calender, can you confirm your appointment for “said” time.” I didnt this see until 40 mins later as i was at work and didnt check my burner because i thought we were good and set up the appointment. As i hit up the bank, i text her and say yes i’ll confirm. Im about to hesd over. Heres my eta.
i show up, ten mins prior and text her and she says “you didnt confirm the appointment so i extended my time with someone else, i can see you in 30 mins” like wtff. We had confirmed an appointment and she messaged 3 hours later saying some bullshit can she needs to confirm her calender.

I tell her, i’ll see her 30 mins later but please respect my time as well. We had an agreement. She proceeds to call me and gaslight me and says “YOUR THE ONE WHO DIDNT REPLY UNTIL 40 MINS later, its your fault!” “If it was a doctor’s office and they call to confirm your appointment and you dont respond your gonna miss your time slot, im running a business here”

Like what the actual fuck, did she actually compare herself to a doctor? A doctor can do that because they can potentially deal with life threatening situations for patients. She seriously needs to fucking get over herself. We literally agreed on a time and almost 3 hours later she texts me again to say some other bullshit.
like i blame this behavior on this new age feminist bullshit. Now dont get me wrong, im not making a blanket statement on all women. But because its the feminist (supremacy movement btw) movement that encourages dumb idiots like the one i met yesterday to act like this. She thinks shes special or some shit. I couldnt fucking believe what i was hearing. When i tried to talk back to her, she didnt even hear me out and hung up the phone. She just said her piece and dipped. Unfucking-believable. I dont know how im this unlucky. I’ve just been dealing with some bullshit with this hobby lately, might be a sign to take a hiatus.

Im kind of glad i do this hobby. Its teaching me to not put pussy on a pedestal and see some women for what they are. Its kind of making me hate women more and more over time though

Chicks flake all of the time, civilian or pro. Thats why the saying is "I'm a man of my word" A womans word isnt worth shit.


Registered Member
Messages: 3,563
Reviews: 9
Should be no need to double confirm. She was working the other guy for big bucks and bumped you, simple as that.
She didn't double confirm. They set up the appointment initially, and then she texted later to confirm. I see no problem with that.
Agree on the no double confirmation. Just a comment on the bumping. She had a spur of them moment opportunity to make an extra 1/2 hr, and gave OP first refusal. When he didn't respond in time, she extended that session. Guaranteed extra income vs first time booker. Not ideal outcome, but very common in this hobby. I've bumped mongers because the session was so good we both wanted more.

But her calling and being a brat was her needing to be right instead of saying "normally I require confirmation a few hours before due to no shows, etc."
Yup. She could have handled it better and not lose a potential customer.