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Review: JoJo GFE @ Asian Lassies, 646-578-2778


Registered Member
Messages: 61
Reviews: 12
Title: Review: JoJo GFE @ Asian Lassies, 646-578-2778
Date: Oct 13, 2018
Phone: 646-578-2778
City: Manhattan
State: New York
Address: 240 West, 40th Street
Activities: BBBJ, RIM, FS, TS
Age Estimate: 22
Nationality: Korean
Physical Description: SYT
Summary: This girl is back for action. Good gfe and patient provider.
TS and room is new renovated and clean.

Recommendation: Yes


Review Contributor
Messages: 8,248
Reviews: 182
She's sexy some meat nice legs long bout 5ft7 full b's inverted nipples that pop out when aroused. Lil cute ass. Great service can almost dt me and I'm above 7


Registered Member
Messages: 16
In her picture online she looks thin but not super thin.She looks like she has a little meat on her legs. True?
This girl is really hot. I visited her at her old location (A&K) back in August. She took some time off after that and I have been trying to coordinate schedules with her to visit again. Now that I know where she is, I'll be calling again. Being a new member here, I'm not sure about the protocols for posting reviews or if there is a Private Messages feature; so, I'll post my August review of her in a follow up post.


Registered Member
Messages: 16
JoJo – A Delightful Surprise - Part 1 of 2

A visit in August 2018 when she was at A&K.

In early August, after finding out that one of my favorites at Angel & King was on vacation for a few days, instead of going to another place, I chose to try another recommended girl at A&K. This proved to be a very good and delightful decision.

The recommendation was to visit JoJo. At that time, there were no pictures of her on A&K’s website; a situation that was remedied. So, on a very hot and humid Thursday, I managed to arrive at A&K a little before my appointment time. Jenny, another attractive young lady working at A&K met me at the door and, after asking if I had an appointment (why do they even let anyone in without an appointment?) led me off to a room to wait for JoJo. After seeing Jenny in person (her picture is on the website), I began to question my decision to visit someone else, as I think it would have been fun to visit with her. But, the die was cast and I was committed to a visit with someone new, sight unseen.

So, I began to get my things in order in the room; and, before I could get my suit jacket off, along came the little knock on the door. Without looking at the door, I invited the person who knocked on the door into the room. As the door opened, I turned around and was momentarily speechless – the girl who entered was stunning. Tall, slim, in a skimpy black bra and see-thru black panties with black hair flowing down her back to the mid-shoulder level. As she smiled at me, I managed to ask her if she was JoJo, to which she said yes and began to approach me. I only managed to tell her my name before she embraced me, pulled my mouth down to hers and started a fierce tongue fight as we engaged in a brief but intense DFK session.

My hands reached around her to cup her very ample ass cheeks and she wedged her hand between our bodies to see if Junior was up to the task. When she found that Junior was ready, she broke away from the DFK work, giggled, and began to unbutton my shirt. In between more kissing, JoJo took charge in getting me out of my clothes, hanging up each piece as it was removed. She got me into a robe: and, while I was occupied taking out and stowing away my hearing aids, JoJo slipped out of her bra and panties and did a little pirouette for me. That in itself was a delightful sight; and, if I wasn’t so sweaty from the walk to the spa, I would have said the hell with the shower. However, I really did feel the need to freshen up; and, JoJo put on one of the pink wrap around jackets they have at A&K for the girls and led me across the hall to the Table Shower room.

In the TS, JoJo took off her little outfit; and, while she was rinsing down the table, I was able to continue admiring her very delightful looking body. A little mouthwash cocktail for the both of us and then I was face down on the table. JoJo’s washing technique is somewhat unique. In addition to the usual wash down by hand, she was doing some other things with her fingers that felt like a feather tickling me. Junior began to respond to this; and, when JoJo spotted him growing, she giggled, spread my thighs a little, and focused this tickling on him and his two friends. The result of this was predictable – Junior continued to grow. Then, all of a sudden, JoJo rinsed me off and I figured it was time for the flip – my mistake! JoJo started applying whatever liquid they are using these days for a Nuru rub. Now, at least lately, I skip the Nuru as it just takes away from fun time back in the room. However, being this was the first visit with JoJo, I decided to let things play out. JoJo finished applying the liquid to me and then, as I craned my head to watch her, she applied the liquid to the front of her delightfully hot body, climbed up on the table, and began sliding her breasts up and down my back.

JoJo began moaning a bit as she slid up and down on me, pausing occasionally to kiss my ears and the back of my neck. I don’t know how much, if any, of that moaning was a result of her really being excited; but, her actions were sure getting me very excited. Then, instead of just sliding her body over mine, she began using her tongue to caress parts of my body and then began to use her mouth to try and suck up my flesh into her mouth. This whole process was getting a bit out of hand; and, I told her we had to move on to get back to the rom. JoJo giggled, hopped off me after one last kiss on my ass cheek, rinsed me off, and had me turn over.

The washing of the front of my body was much more abbreviated, focusing on my pelvic area, thighs, hands, and a very excited Junior and his two friends. In between her giggling over Junior’s very excited condition, JoJo managed to lean over and engage in some DFK work. My hands, when not being washed, were increasingly busy caressing her body, which she seemed to enjoy as she moved her body around to give me better access. Then, she was rinsing me off again and, as I was about to get up, she grabbed some more Nuru fluid, spread it on her body, and climbed up on the table.

Now, as much as I was ready to head to the room, the sight – and feel – of this smiling beauty sliding up and down on my chest forced me to reconsider; and, I laid back to enjoy the action. After a few slides and kisses, JoJo moved further down my body to focus on some action with Junior. She had a tough time because Junior was so excited that she couldn’t keep him in the right position for her ministrations. Either out of frustration, or probably just by plan, JoJo lowered her mouth onto Junior and began an intense BBBJ session. She was smiling and looking at me as she bobbed up and down on Junior; and, I was smiling at her. Finally, I just gave in; and, figuring we’d stay in the TS for a while, told her to shift around so I could return the oral favor.

JoJo managed to spin around on the table without ever removing Junior from her mouth and positioned her delightful looking kitty right above my mouth. As my tongue slipped between her slick kitty lips, I heard her gasp and felt her thighs tense. Over the next few minutes, I used my tongue to explore her love canal and I licked and sucked on her love button and kitty lips to the point where JoJo stopped working on me, straightened up, and pressed her kitty further onto my mouth to enjoy my ministrations. I gave JoJo one last lick and told her that I really needed to get back to the room. She giggled, hopped off the table, rinsed us both off, and then led the way back to the room.


Registered Member
Messages: 16
JoJo – A Delightful Surprise - Part 2 of 2

Back in the room, I got out of my robe, JoJo got out of her pink jacket, and we embraced and began more DFK action as our hands roamed each other’s bodies. I sat down on the edge of the bed, pulled JoJo between my legs, and began some oral action on her breasts – real ones not fake. At this point, I realized that working on JoJo’s nipples would be a challenge, as I had never experienced working on inverted nipples. As soon as my tongue hit her left nipple, JoJo gasped and put one hand behind my head to hold me in position. Both of us had one free hand reaching between our bodies – hers seeking Junior and mine sliding between her thighs. I asked JoJo for some lube and she gave me some to use on her and took some herself to spread on Junior.

We continued stroking each other as I worked alternately on her breasts to get her nipples to pop out. Pretty soon both nipples were aroused and erect and JoJo started moaning and moving her hips rapidly against my probing fingers. In short order, JoJo stopped stroking Junior, put both hands on my head to hold it against her chest, increased her moaning and started whimpering as my fingers brought her to her first orgasm. As she popped, JoJo clamped my hand in place with her thighs and jerked her body several times as if an electric shock was being applied to her body. As she was calming down, she pulled my head up from her chest and started a DFK tongue fight again. I shifted my one hand to begin caressing her breast again and she responded with some small moans and movement of her hips against the hand that was still rubbing her kitty. I increased the tempo of my fingers against her love button and JoJo responded by shifting her one leg so that it was up on the bed, affording me easier access to her kitty, and by grabbing Junior and stroking him.

Our bodies shifted a bit, putting Junior real close to where he wanted to end up; but, that was not to be at this time. I continued to stroke her kitty and I could feel Junior hitting the back of my hand as JoJo continued to stroke him. This delightful sensation just caused me to work harder n arousing JoJo and bringing her to another climax. A few minutes more of this action and JoJo released Junior, grabbed my shoulders with both hands, and released her hot fluid on my fingers as she climaxed again.

As she calmed down, JoJo thanked me, pulled my mouth up to hers for a few brief kisses and then squatted down in front of me to pay oral homage to Junior. She licked his length, kissed him all over, played with his two friends, and finally inserted him into her mouth as far as she could – the whole time trying to maintain eye contact with me. Junior was really excited; and, his two friends were getting that tingling feeling letting me know that too much more of this action would result in my ending my one-shot per session visit without Junior experiencing any activity with JoJo’s kitty. So, somewhat reluctantly, I called a halt to this delightful BBBJ and had JoJo switch places with me so I could re-taste her kitty.

I stayed by the edge of the bed, put a pillow under JoJo’s hips as she spread her thighs, and began kissing the inside of her thighs on a slow march northward to her glistening kitty. By the time my mouth and tongue touched her kitty lips, JoJo was moaning and writhing on the bed. She reached out, wrapped her fingers in my hair, and drew my head further against her pubic bone. JoJo has incredibly sensitive kitty lips and a very distinguishable love button that swells up at the slightest touch. I feasted on her delicious kitty for four or five minutes until she orgasmed and tried to escape from my probing tongue.

At this point, Junior was so excited that he ached. I raised myself up and began kissing my way up to JoJo’s mouth. After getting there and exchanging some more DFK action, JoJo sensed my excitement – Junior was poking her in the belly – and told me in no uncertain terms that it was time for him to get inside her. She found the cover and, with some effort and a little lube, managed to get it on Junior. Then she guided him to her slick kitty and began rubbing her kitty with Junior’s head. Even though moving forward now in the mish position would have been a fait accompli, I asked her what position she liked the best and she opted for CG. So, I hopped up on the bed and let her take the lead.

It is great to just lie back and watch a beautiful girl bounce up and down on you as she goes through the process of getting her rocks off. JoJo was no exception, as she really got into it; and, when I told her that I would not be able to finish while covered and encouraged her to go for her own orgasm, she went crazy on top of me. Pretty soon, JoJo was lying full out on top of me, grinding her pelvis against mine while pumping on Junior. My hands were cupping her ass cheeks and we were trying to maintain contact with each other’s mouths. Then, JoJo abruptly pulled her head back, let out a loud moan and a whimper, grasped Junior with what felt like vise-like kitty muscles, and orgasmed again. She collapsed on top of me and we stayed that way, with my hand caressing her body as she regained her breath and composure.

At this point, I figured that my time had to be running out and JoJo sensed that too. She asked me if I had finished; and, when I told her no, she asked if I wanted to finish with a BBBJ. I nodded yes and JoJo proceeded to uncover Junior, wiped him down, and began her oral lovemaking again. JoJo used her hand to steady Junior while working feverishly with her mouth to bring me to climax. Well, it worked; and, pretty soon Junior’s two friends were screaming for release as I held out as long as I could to enjoy her BBBJ. But, there was no extending the inevitable, and Junior erupted into JoJo’s mouth with several salvos of hot fluid. JoJo hung in there until Junior stopped spasming. When she eventually pulled off, JoJo smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up sign before reaching for a paper towel to deposit my love juice.

After she finished with the paper towel, JoJo told me she was getting a hot towel, slid off the bed, put on her pink jacket, and popped out of the room. She was back in a couple of minutes with the hot towel and proceeded to clean me up. When she asked if I wanted a massage or shower, I told her that I’d just like to cuddle with her a bit. She smiled, got out of the pink jacket, and hopped her naked body back up on the bed to lie down beside me. We stayed that way for several minutes just talking – she has a very good command of English – kissing and caressing each other’s bodies. Soon, we heard MMS calling out to her. When I managed to squirm around to look at the clock on the wall, I saw that we were already 10 minutes over my allotted time. We broke apart with one last kiss and embrace and JoJo proceeded to help me dress.

I eventually managed to leave A&K about 20 minutes over my allotted time, apologizing profusely to MMS for staying so late. Meeting JoJo was a delightful surprise experience making return visits to A&K a bit of a quandary for me. Who to visit – my long-time favorite or this new delightful, sensuous, and exciting young woman? I’ll have to see how this all works out, as I will return soon.

I will be visiting her at Asian Lassies soon!


Review Contributor
Messages: 8,248
Reviews: 182
What is the difference between the 30 and 60 minute choice apart from the time and price?
You really need an hr with this girl to fully enjoy her. If you time it right minimum 45 mins all in.

While sculptor paints her like a goddess. IMO she's not. She's cute and sexy body great service.
Face 6.5-6.75
Body 7.5-7.75
Service 8.5-9


Registered Member
Messages: 23
Well guys thanks for all the lovely reviews, now this place is definitely on my bucket list! I was at Private Hotties for over 5 years, then several years at Asian Sensation - all these places sure beat my trans-Atlantic trips to Thailand where I started in 1968 during the Vietnam War!


Review Contributor
Messages: 2,380
Reviews: 37
Well guys thanks for all the lovely reviews, now this place is definitely on my bucket list! I was at Private Hotties for over 5 years, then several years at Asian Sensation - all these places sure beat my trans-Atlantic trips to Thailand where I started in 1968 during the Vietnam War!
Although there was a risk every girl may have been a communist sniper, I’m sure you boys tore it up back then.


Registered Member
Messages: 23
Although there was a risk every girl may have been a communist sniper, I’m sure you boys tore it up back then.
Absolutely.....been to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam ALL over Thailand for at least 20 years....Just love beautiful Asian gals from all my trips to the land of the rising sun! vietnambobliquor-1.jpg