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Review: KG Gisella: Remember the Titans


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,781
Reviews: 103
Title: Review: KG Gisella: Remember the Titans
Date: Mar 3, 2023
Phone: Special G Hotline: 347-882-6969 (how’d they arrange for those last 4 digits?)
City: NY
State: NY
Location: nhà bếp của địa ngục
Age Estimate: Early 30s
Nationality: Vietnamese
Physical Description: Pix are her, but IRL even more !*$&^@. Don’t forget the ones on

Recommendation: Tuyệt đối


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Messages: 1,781
Reviews: 103
Ran long. Again.

I didn't get to explaining the title. “Titans” here does not refer to her boobs. Or ass cheeks. Or either set of lips. Remember this? I compared her to the Tennessee Titans in the Rams/Titans Super Bowl.….129724/#post-932679

Towards the end of the first date, after the NC-17 portions are done she tells me, "I hear you ranked me #2". Uh oh. She was a good sport about it though. She knows it was a looooong list - #2 out of 88 isn’t too shabby (And really #2 out of ~150. 88 were the GOOD ones). And that the whole thing is silly. Turns out one of you animals told her. I was going to rip whoever you are a new one and say: why the fuck would you do that? But in the totality of things, maybe it makes me look more powerful and influential than I really am, so perhaps I should thank you? (BTW, are you the same guy who also told Aurora about the rankings? In that case I really do owe you a thank you.) Also, as an illustration of her generous heart - if there is such a thing as a hooker with a heart of gold, she's about as close as it gets - she told me to revise the rankings. But she didn’t tell me to make her the #1. Instead, she told me to give the gold to her friend and compatriot Rosalia!

While I don’t think the nuance of the 1A/1B framing would have won me any points, I did tell her about my Michelangelo vs Picasso metaphor. I still like that one and think it's pretty apt. She didn't seem to mind being Picasso. (Come to think of it, I once also called G the Da Vinci of hookers too. Renaissance woman and all that. I play fast and loose with these things, but there’s always some truth in there).

Anyway, back to the Titans. On this 10th play of the drive - or 10th drive of the game (pick your analogy) she finally did break the plane. It's a goddamn tie. Or really, it's now more like one of those Mahomes/Brady games where whoever has the ball(s !) last wins. It no longer makes any sense to say either of these girls is 2nd to anyone. They're both the best ever. Eastern spirituality isn’t always logically consistent* so that’s my final story and I’m sticking to it.

*Not that Western spirituality is super tight either when it comes to logic. Holy Trinity anyone? So maybe I still have room for one more best ever, whom I haven’t met yet


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Messages: 1,781
Reviews: 103
The fuck is all this rambling?
Thank you! Great comment!

That's kinda my thing.

But I see you're a busy man and want to get straight to the point. I could point you to any of the dozens of her more succinct reviews, or suggest you click that little magnifying glass on the upper right and type her name, but I'll spare you the time.

1. Hot as all fuck
2. Will leave you barely able to walk

You're not interested in #3, but #1 and #2 should be enough to get you in the door.

For everyone else:

3. Best ever at the mental part of the game.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,982
Reviews: 34
Thanks for the review. Just a thought. Seems that other recent reviews haven't been so enthusiastic for this one. Since she went in to the 500+ range that. The common plus is that she's hot in a plastic way, which many of us are into. Service seemes to be inconsistent though, 50/50 chance she'll arrive with the right attitude and effort. At those rates is the risk of a dud really worth it, that's for everyone to decide for themselves.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,781
Reviews: 103
Thanks for the review. Just a thought. Seems that other recent reviews haven't been so enthusiastic for this one. Since she went in to the 500+ range that. The common plus is that she's hot in a plastic way, which many of us are into. Service seemes to be inconsistent though, 50/50 chance she'll arrive with the right attitude and effort. At those rates is the risk of a dud really worth it, that's for everyone to decide for themselves.
I think if you were to actually read all of her reviews you'd find the ratio was closer to 90/10 than 50/50. I personally am 10 for 10. Maybe 11 for 10. As for the chances of a dud - you can minimize those by following these simple guidelines.

You would think these are basic common sense, but I found it heartwarming that one of her bad reviews tried again with those common sense guidelines in mind and reported he had a great time on his repeat visit.

As for the plastic: My personal take is CherryDD is a hot in a plastic way. G is hot and happens to have had enhancements. To me she is very human. She has vibrant joyous eyes and smiles. Maybe it's her personality, so I just don't see her that way anymore. Yes, yes. I'm a simp.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,982
Reviews: 34
I think if you were to actually read all of her reviews you'd find the ratio was closer to 90/10 than 50/50. I personally am 10 for 10. Maybe 11 for 10. As for the chances of a dud - you can minimize those by following these simple guidelines.

You would think these are basic common sense, but I found it heartwarming that one of her bad reviews tried again with those common sense guidelines in mind and reported he had a great time on his repeat visit.

As for the plastic: My personal take is CherryDD is a hot in a plastic way. G is hot and happens to have had enhancements. To me she is very human. She has vibrant joyous eyes and smiles. Maybe it's her personality, so I just don't see her that way anymore. Yes, yes. I'm a simp.
Lets agree to disagree. Ive have read many of her reviews and the comments from that follow. Reading through those its clear she is not a slam dunk for everyone and there are people walking away without high marks for her.

Trying to blame the guy for having bad manors or hygiene isn't the answer. An equally, if not more, likely scenario is she simply isn't providing the same level of service everytime. Maybe she just gets tired or in a bad mood, like any other human being. Let's not pretend like she's a robot.

Thanks for you contribution to the community. I know you're highly active and share more than other but no need to oversell things my man. These chicks get plenty of biz without the help. Keep it grounded that's what we're all here for.


Messages: 53
Reviews: 18
I like the Judge am a huge Gisella fan but my time in and out of NYC makes it that I have not seen her as many times as his lucky ass has. However just wanted to say in the 3x that I have seen her performance or engagement during the session has never been the issue and I feel that lends to the fact that I more or less follow most of the "rules" (I view them as common sense) set out above. As a provider she is always on her game, every time I have seen her she had her make up game on point, smelled fresh and overall was just very well put together with nice outfits etc. Compared to some other AMP girls that I have repeated with which at times you can tell they were slacking a bit never got that feel from her. She always on her A game. Obviously this all anecdotal as I can only speak to how my meetings with her have gone but just wanted to throw in my experience as well. She's my ATF and just exudes class and always provides a fun time and honestly, imo, looks leagues better than most other AMP girls I have been with. Theres no denying there are enhancements, but trust me they are enhancements that enhance the time. The conversations with her are no slouches either, very engaging and fun, that alone makes the sessions great in terms of chemistry. To each their own of course but as I will be back in NYC soon I am def going to be running to see her. (I probably could've saved these thoughts for the upcoming review LOL, but just wanted to get in my two cents)


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Messages: 1,781
Reviews: 103
Lets agree to disagree. Ive have read many of her reviews and the comments from that follow. Reading through those its clear she is not a slam dunk for everyone and there are people walking away without high marks for her.

Trying to blame the guy for having bad manors or hygiene isn't the answer. An equally, if not more, likely scenario is she simply isn't providing the same level of service everytime. Maybe she just gets tired or in a bad mood, like any other human being. Let's not pretend like she's a robot.

Thanks for you contribution to the community. I know you're highly active and share more than other but no need to oversell things my man. These chicks get plenty of biz without the help. Keep it grounded that's what we're all here for.
One last thing on this and then we'll drop it.

I respect what you're trying to say here, so none of the following is meant to be combative. And of course I wholeheartedly agree that she is human. Kinda one of my points, actually.

I didn't mean to imply that literally ALL her bad reviews were the result of bad hygiene or bad behavior - though I do think that plays a role in a good number of them. I said MINIMIZE the chances of a dud, not eliminate. But I still find it funny that this @janogaam character actually "implemented" my instructions and apparently got a much better 2nd session. Which implies he didn't go with common sense guidelines in the first place - in his own view! Too bad that guy never followed up and actually wrote that 2nd review.

I will ask you to indulge my overselling, in light of the very fact that she IS one of my two favorites ever out of hundreds of girls. We're all entitled to go overboard here and there. I admit, it is sorta weird that I should feel compelled to "defend her honor", considering what's she doing with that honor. It's a weird endeavor we all have going on here. Really, I should be happy when she gets a bad review for indifferent service. (And truthfully, a big part of me IS happy! I want her to give bad service to everyone but me). Unfortunately for me, I will still strongly assert it's not literally a 50/50 proposition. Probably KG Kora is 50/50. The numbers to me suggest that G's ratio is as good as anyone who gets over, say, 20 reviews. Perhaps there are exceptions but are you aware of ANY provider who gets unanimous rave reviews? Seems to me I've seen meh reports on all the superstars. Maybe G's bad reviews sound more outraged due to her premium and therefore stand out in your mind.

I think the way to think of is perhaps the premium doesn't get you a more ironclad guarantee. It gets you normal (normal?) human odds. What the premium gets you is a significantly higher upside over the non-premium girls in the (more likely than not) event that things go well.

Enough of all that.

More nobody going to mention the Ratatouille? Come on people! That was fucking divinely inspired comedy genius. (It's funny.....because it's true. Ultimate comfort food). Sometimes I don't know why I even bother. The humor has been sucked out of this board. Do I even have an audience anymore?

No worries. As @Lancerx astutely observed, I essentially write for myself.


Registered Member
Messages: 12
Reviews: 2
But I still find it funny that this @janogaam character actually "implemented" my instructions and apparently got a much better 2nd session. Which implies he didn't go with common sense guidelines in the first place - in his own view! Too bad that guy never followed up and actually wrote that 2nd review.
That Gisella needs special instructions to get a normal "good" experience (expected at that price point) does speak for itself.


Registered Member
Messages: 144
One last thing on this and then we'll drop it.

I respect what you're trying to say here, so none of the following is meant to be combative. And of course I wholeheartedly agree that she is human. Kinda one of my points, actually.

I didn't mean to imply that literally ALL her bad reviews were the result of bad hygiene or bad behavior - though I do think that plays a role in a good number of them. I said MINIMIZE the chances of a dud, not eliminate. But I still find it funny that this @janogaam character actually "implemented" my instructions and apparently got a much better 2nd session. Which implies he didn't go with common sense guidelines in the first place - in his own view! Too bad that guy never followed up and actually wrote that 2nd review.

I will ask you to indulge my overselling, in light of the very fact that she IS one of my two favorites ever out of hundreds of girls. We're all entitled to go overboard here and there. I admit, it is sorta weird that I should feel compelled to "defend her honor", considering what's she doing with that honor. It's a weird endeavor we all have going on here. Really, I should be happy when she gets a bad review for indifferent service. (And truthfully, a big part of me IS happy! I want her to give bad service to everyone but me). Unfortunately for me, I will still strongly assert it's not literally a 50/50 proposition. Probably KG Kora is 50/50. The numbers to me suggest that G's ratio is as good as anyone who gets over, say, 20 reviews. Perhaps there are exceptions but are you aware of ANY provider who gets unanimous rave reviews? Seems to me I've seen meh reports on all the superstars. Maybe G's bad reviews sound more outraged due to her premium and therefore stand out in your mind.

I think the way to think of is perhaps the premium doesn't get you a more ironclad guarantee. It gets you normal (normal?) human odds. What the premium gets you is a significantly higher upside over the non-premium girls in the (more likely than not) event that things go well.

Enough of all that.

More nobody going to mention the Ratatouille? Come on people! That was fucking divinely inspired comedy genius. (It's funny.....because it's true. Ultimate comfort food). Sometimes I don't know why I even bother. The humor has been sucked out of this board. Do I even have an audience anymore?

No worries. As @Lancerx astutely observed, I essentially write for myself.
Dont worry. Keep writing! Not all of your subscribers comment regularly! I read it all and agree with it all. Everyone is different, on both sides. We are not machines. Kora is a 10 for 10 with me. I dont really know why, but we just clicked from Day One last year. I cant wait for her return.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,781
Reviews: 103
I really was going to stop with the white knighting and let this thread die. It probably doesn't help anyone to keep at it. Certainly not me, and probably not even G herself.

But I can't help it. I haven't been able to sleep. To plagiarize and paraphrase the brilliant, SOMEONE IS LOGICALLY INCONSISTENT ON THE INTERNET.

Granted, these are coming from two different guys. But for those of you scoring at home, think about it for half a second, and I think you'll agree that one of these skeptical comments effectively disproves the other.

"Trying to blame the guy for having bad manors or hygiene isn't the answer."
"That Gisella needs special instructions to get a normal "good" experience (expected at that price point) does speak for itself."

That is all.