Title: Review: Melanie / Melany - BodyWorks Wellness
Date: Nov 13, 2023
Phone: 732-492-5977
City: Millstone
State: NJ
Location: Strip mall
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) .8 / $$
Nationality: Latina
Age Estimate: Mid 20s
Physical Description: What I would describe as Latina-lite. She had a rather voluptuous figure, with ample natural breasts and a decently full ass. She's not in the Kardashian range, but not petite either. If you're looking for a provider with a little meat on her, but not heavy, she's right up your alley.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Nov 13, 2023
Phone: 732-492-5977
City: Millstone
State: NJ
Location: Strip mall
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) .8 / $$
Nationality: Latina
Age Estimate: Mid 20s
Physical Description: What I would describe as Latina-lite. She had a rather voluptuous figure, with ample natural breasts and a decently full ass. She's not in the Kardashian range, but not petite either. If you're looking for a provider with a little meat on her, but not heavy, she's right up your alley.
Recommendation: Yes