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Review: Wish I came to AMP reviews before visiting - Blue Spa


Registered Member
Messages: 5
Reviews: 3
Title: Review: Wish I came to AMP reviews before visiting - Blue Spa
Date: Nov 22, 2024
Phone: (860) 710-9107
City: Wethersfield
State: CT
Location: 334 Silas Deane Hwy, Wethersfield, CT 06109
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 70 + 50
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 50 ish (+ or -)
Physical Description: Chubby 160 lbs, straight black hair tied up, b cups about 5'5"

Recommendation: No


Review Contributor
Messages: 8
Reviews: 3
Really wanted it to be my new place too, but alas! Yomi is gone and these old crones are beyond annoying. Sorry my review led you to go there. I suffered the same with her a few days back