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Asian Massage By JFK Airport


Registered Member
Messages: 134
Reviews: 14
Thanks NYCS. Picked my friend up earlier today but with the very cold weather decided against it.
Had some clams @ Lenny's. But thank you anyway my friend.


Review Contributor
Messages: 8,991
Reviews: 207
Thanks NYCS. Picked my friend up earlier today but with the very cold weather decided against it.
Had some clams @ Lenny's. But thank you anyway my friend.
London Lennie's? Love that place..
I first went to London Lennies back in 99 or so it was really good. Went a few times since then last time went in 2009 it wasnt nearly as good.

I think he may be talking about the Lenny's in Howard Beach which is mediocre from what I recall.