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Registered Member
Messages: 644
Reviews: 26
Rare at amps IME. I feel as tho' it is reserved for actual/intimate relationships (FS places notwithstanding, as I have no experience with them). Handy's are just part of doing business...


Registered Member
Messages: 220
Reviews: 9
Need to go to Philly for that. Plenty of reviews in that section mention dfk. You might get lucky in the burbs if you become a regular.


Review Contributor
Messages: 388
Reviews: 54
I know this isn't PC, forgive me.

I have found the more fat the girl the more she likes to kiss and use her mouths more. The more plump they are the more likely they will want to kiss or even some I have found will almost chew you face off. This also carries over to my regular life. I dated a gal that lost over 125 lbs after bariatric surgery, she would wake me up in the middle of the night sucking on Jr. Kissing was kind of like chewing on my face and lips. It actually became really annoying after a while, NO not the middle of the night sucking.


Review Contributor
Messages: 12,313
Reviews: 108
For kissing at an AMP, it depends on the provider. Much more rare in the burbs. If you come to Philly there are several AMP's that do it as part of their gfe service. The all in rate is close to the best AMP's in the burbs, just better service. I'm not sure why more of you don't take advantage of it?


Messages: 2,277
Reviews: 189
For kissing at an AMP, it depends on the provider. Much more rare in the burbs. If you come to Philly there are several AMP's that do it as part of their gfe service. The all in rate is close to the best AMP's in the burbs, just better service. I'm not sure why more of you don't take advantage of it?
I know you're right, for me, it's the challenge of getting in and out of the city. If I get lucky with traffic/parking it still adds close to 2 hours + session time.

Unfortunately for me, my favorite spots are all about 45 away. This works well for me now because I'm between gigs (been a few years actually, I hate to admit it lol) and can get a 3 hour window without much issue.

But I understand for guys with SO who are in the corporate world, if you are outside of the city it can be really hard to pull off.

Bout 7 years ago I worked in the city. That was beautiful. I would say I am going to lunch, hit up 9VIP (was way better back then), grab something at a food cart on my way back, and stealthily eat it at my desk. No one ever caught on, although I did get a question once as to why I was gone over an hour for lunch. Since the session was close to an hour I would usually sneak out and figured no one is gonna track me that close to figure out my lunch was 80 minutes instead of 60 lol.

I miss those days. Nothing like being able to hit an AMP in the middle of the work day and get away with it!!