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Review Contributor
Messages: 1,561
Reviews: 94
I am willing to cut them a little slack. I know it is quite an expense for these gals to have professional picture taken. I remember joking with an old Doll House gal who went on to an Indy career about getting updated pictures taken after she changed her hair style.

She looked at me and said, I make you happy man. You want new pictures, you give me $2500 and I will get new pictures taken. You drive me to NYC also. I got the point she was making. She said some photographers are even more expensive in LA.

As long as this gal looks similar to the pictures, I am usually good. EPM is known to have pictures that are usually very representative of the gals or reasonable recent. The best is always when they look better than the pictures. I also try not to let the pictures influence my expectations too much.


Review Contributor
Messages: 509
Reviews: 12
I am willing to cut them a little slack. I know it is quite an expense for these gals to have professional picture taken. I remember joking with an old Doll House gal who went on to an Indy career about getting updated pictures taken after she changed her hair style.

She looked at me and said, I make you happy man. You want new pictures, you give me $2500 and I will get new pictures taken. You drive me to NYC also. I got the point she was making. She said some photographers are even more expensive in LA.

As long as this gal looks similar to the pictures, I am usually good. EPM is known to have pictures that are usually very representative of the gals or reasonable recent. The best is always when they look better than the pictures. I also try not to let the pictures influence my expectations too much.
It's a rare exception when a girl looks better than her pictures based on my experience. I was actually pretty disappointed by Luca's appearance but her infamous asset did indeed surpass my expectations.