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Registered Member
Messages: 298
Reviews: 3
It would be awesome if dh or king spa. Or other fast houses let gangbang happens. It would put more money in there pockets
I'm looking at it like this..........let's say you bring two or three of your buddies, let's use three and pay an hourly rate each, let's say $200. That's 800 hammers in an hour, she probably takes half of that plus whatever tips, Even Alexa over there in DH can't refuse that! (Greedy ass). 400 plus tips in one hour is a good way to start the day.

Between the endurance they've developed down there as part of their work and all that lube they use, four guys is child's play for these girls.


Registered Member
Messages: 411
I'm looking at it like this..........let's say you bring two or three of your buddies, let's use three and pay an hourly rate each, let's say $200. That's 800 hammers in an hour, she probably takes half of that plus whatever tips, Even Alexa over there in DH can't refuse that! (Greedy ass). 400 plus tips in one hour is a good way to start the day.

Between the endurance they've developed down there as part of their work and all that lube they use, four guys is child's play for these girls.
Yes but these fast houses don't allow it . Even when they could kill two birds with one stone . Pay regular price for two guys at once.


Messages: 2,346
Reviews: 23
Is totally a thing. In my area, there are two places I asked both about this and both were ok with it, three HF and three tips, no problem, but had to be either first of the day or last of the day. My two buddies and I asked for before open or before close, and both places were good to go. No DP, but am sure if we negotiated even that was on the table. Mister Ted DiBiase used to say, everyone has a price! Am sure those crazy places up there in New Yock are much more willing than down here. Also, the reverse GB thing, that seemed rarer, in my experience, at least with Chinese places, they have a barrier about being nude and doing stuff in front of each other.


Review Contributor
Messages: 552
Reviews: 68
Even better would be a reverse gangbang
i don't know about you but reverse gangbang (more than 2 girl to 1 man) can happen way more vs gangbang (more than 2 men to 1 girl). Think about it, if you frequent NYAF/SG/SL/DDY all those amp (Chinese) in Manhattan, how often does MMS push for 2 girls at you, myself, more than 60% of times.

There was one famous asian agency (few years before covid, and i'm not naming name) told me one of the regular would come in one night and just ask for all the girls who is free at the time just go into the room with him for several hours, and he does that more than a few occasion.

Bottom line, this is Queens thread, you're not going to get that kind of things going on here, some of the monger on here rarely venture into Queens/Flushing (or some ppl will put it Falashing) for specific reason and i think you all know what that is.