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Messages: 115
Reviews: 3
I have found most will quote the expected rate all in and for services agreed upon, if I pay X, she will do Y etc. etc. even then I may still donate an extra tip, no upsell tip, just an extra tip, my choice. I also ask if she's ok beforehand and get her permission to send her a few trusted like minded mongers.

Don Hollinger

Review Contributor
Messages: 453
Reviews: 8
I learned several years ago that being overly generous with indies/agency gals brings diminishing returns in terms of service. Chump city back then but I learned from forums like this.

I send my indie CF a deposit/tip to secure a date in advance. It's not required but that extra 50 is a bigger deal than one would think. That, and a favorite fruit goes a long way in GFE land. They tend to burn lots of calories on the job and prefer those things over flowers and candy at least in my experience.

The other CF works with an agency, not an independent. I've been with her for a few years. It's not a huge tip but as a steady client it's still appreciated. Food is a bigger deal to these ladies. So she flipped when I came through with a half pound of raw waygu beef and Korean popsicles from H Mart.

Thoughtfulness, indulging, isn't that expensive, but I do budget a bit to spoil the deserving ones.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,476
Reviews: 16
Indies are quirky girls and no two are alike. IMO completely different mentally from agency or AMP girls.
I had this Cambodian Indy I used to see who was just this awesome provider. She was an illegal, no credit cards, no real bank account in USA. She just kept her money in a safe deposit box and intermittently sent it back to her family in Cambodia. But the thing with her is she liked to wander, she wanted to see the USA. And sometimes she’d get in a small town somewhere and not make enough money to clear her debts - nice hotel, food, scotch, advertising, etc. and she wouldn’t have any money. So I used to essentially prepay for my next visit by clearing her bills. Not exactly a tip, but certainly a convenience for her.


Registered Member
Messages: 435
I've seen many indies (over 100) in the past 20 years (many repeats) and I always left a tip, even when I'm bringing a little something like a gift card. If it's their incall at a hotel, the $$ tip is always appreciated since they're spending the $$$ on a room. The only time I would not leave a tip if my research failed me and the provider was not as expected. In those cases, I thanked them for their time at the end of the session and left and of course, would never see them again. I've always found that little something (like a gift card) goes a long way. Now, I'm sure many of you may not agree; that's fine. Also, I usually do a 2-3 session, even on the first visit. I do my research and in all the years seeing independents, I've only been burned once. Back in the day I used to see agency ladies and those I always took care of since they have to share the fee with the house. Only used one agency (long gone) and I was never disappointed. I did have a direct line to the owner, so I knew whomever I chose or they asked me to see for the first time (call it a road test), I always left happy.

Unfortunately, those days are gone...


Registered Member
Messages: 122
Rarely to never; the only time I consider it is if we've gone over time considerably (like +30 mins or more).


Registered Member
Messages: 199
Reviews: 6
No but when I had a regular independent I treated her well. Dinner if I was at a hotel. If she stayed the night breakfast in the morning. And occasional gifts (lingerie even though she was always nude when she massaged me).


Registered Member
Messages: 111
Reviews: 15
I do not tip with an independent GFE provider. But if I see someone routinely I will bring her a gift on special occasions like her birthday or Christmas.


Registered Member
Messages: 273
I have found most will quote the expected rate all in and for services agreed upon, if I pay X, she will do Y etc. etc. even then I may still donate an extra tip, no upsell tip, just an extra tip, my choice. I also ask if she's ok beforehand and get her permission to send her a few trusted like minded mongers.
In my experience, the ladies very often really appreciate you sending them some trusted colleagues/friends. Safe and secure way of going about it when both sides have a trust factor. That is what friends are for.

As for tipping Indie's, I most typically have done so if the experience is rather positive. Shortness of time or lack luster performance gets nothing extra.