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Happy Jack

Review Contributor
Messages: 4,481
Reviews: 180
Uuuummmm you do know that this is a dumb clip from a dumb show and not a real round table ? Those are actor children being “spewed to” by an actor speaker. Yeah, it’s a dumb, cynical, self hating soliloquy …. But it’s drama. Ie- it’s fake, it ain’t real, it didn’t really happen…. Ya know sorta like Rambo.
It may be from a show, but at the time, the statistics he quoted were accurate.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,207
Reviews: 11
It may be from a show, but at the time, the statistics he quoted were accurate.
Still a highly cynical way of looking at the overall picture. Having lived in Canada and several Northern European countries during my early first career, I personally feel nowhere compares to the US for opportunity, level playing field or access to/for people/cultures from every corner of the world. Isolated stats & a cynical outlook to start with can shade any discussion of any country. Usa = not perfect but still better than anywhere I’m personally familiar with.


Registered Member
Messages: 304
Reviews: 25
Yea send them down here, my area in Philly burbs needs a latina FS shop, there are new shopping centers being built in Pottstown. There are at least five shitty DIY shops that need forrners who like to eat sperms. Please come and migrate to here for us to lick. Is there like an order form we can fill out to get our own migrants for fucking and cumming inside?
It's form 1033B, which needs to be filled out in triplicate. Send the white form to HR and throw the pink and green forms away.
Your delivery will be here in 3 weeks.


Review Contributor
Messages: 13
Reviews: 5
I wish people would realize that all these debates about migrants, abortions, LGBTQ and whatever, are designed as political distractions to what is really wrong with this country. These topics are important, yes. But they get too much weight and attention in the media and therefore our brains, whether it's from CNN or Fox News. Meanwhile corporations are depreciating our wages, banks are driving us deeper into debt, and the real estate industry is manipulating property prices. The rich are getting richer because democrat AND republican politicians create systems that transfer our wealth to them. The federal reserve protects banks' profits, while congress protects corporations and billionaires. But all mainstream, fakestream, alternative, or whatever media we're listening to wants to talk about is abortions, queers, and migrants.

The defense bill is $850 Billion (almost $6,000 per tax filing) and you're worried about the nickels we're giving to migrants? Actually though, you're paying too much in taxes because billionaires and the corporations reporting record profits have manipulated congress so they don't have to pay their share.


Review Contributor
Messages: 13
Reviews: 5
I agree with much of what you say. When we spend more than what we make; why did we cut taxes on the rich and corporations? As far as immigrants coming across our borders; we have over 4 million unfilld jobs than we have citizens. It takes us 6 months before they can get permission to work. Lastly the House of Representatives has to allocate funds to fix these problems and they can't get out of their own way.


Review Contributor
Messages: 311
Reviews: 2
I'm wondering if the people who think that the people pushing back against unlimited and uncontrolled illegal immigration are ass hats have any idea what they personally will pay for these people to be here. What happens when your wife, daughter or son is in dire need of emergency medical care and the hospital is completely full with illegals and there are no rooms, no doctors and nobody to assist your loved one. And u sit there watching them suffer. It's worse than if you yourself are sick no? So it's not just a few extra tax dollars. What u also do t realize is that the cities are using monies allocated to them by the federal govt for infrastructure projects and other things and now they have burned through that money and are requesting hundreds of billions more. So the money we allocated is spent. The inflation we created real and devastating.. so much so that the president will likely actually lose to Trump.. and then more monies w need to be spent. These people don't have income they are coming at a clip of what? Quarter million a month that we see? We actually pay to house and feed them. If we print more money it drives inflation even higher.

Man I'm so glad I'm an ass hat.

You are probably a great guy. So open your home and let a half dozen live there w you.

Ass Hat out!


BFE to your GFE
Messages: 1,745
Reviews: 19
Man I'm so glad I'm an ass hat.
Hah the right word I think is "producer". I'm a producer. I produce things, I produce wealth, I produce the means by which a few hundred men and women in three states feed their children. When I disagree with how the government spends my forced charity contribution, there is no force in the universe that will or should even try to shut me up. It's my fucking money, if I don't want to spend it supporting people who just walked into my house without being invited, then fuck those people and they can go back home and wait like every other person in the world. If someone wants to call us names or make it like the whole issue doesn't exist, cool for them, but I'm not going to just shut up because someone likes to pretend a problem doesn't exist or it is no big deal or opposing it makes them a lesser person.

There's no law in the universe that says I have to give to charity, under penalty of prison, in an unlimited way. I'm an immigrant myself, and I don't give a fsck about a single one of these animals who just walk through the open door. All the people who are in charge of closing the door should be hung from a tree for treason too. I'm a producer, and I WANT these people here to come work for me so I can get rid of these cityfolk I hire and fire daily to get the tax break (felons, blacks, gays, EBT cardholders). But there are rules and if folks don't want to follow them, and if other folks don't want to enforce them, this still doesn't change my unwillingness to pay for them to eat while we pretend to "process their asylum claims".

There are just 100m taxpayers in the country. Every BILLION DOLLARS spent by the forced charity program is ten bucks for every one of us. Who wants people rifling through their pockets to take ten bucks? If we have to support even 50% of these (US citizens currently accept forced charity checks at a rate of 50%) 2.5m people who we know crossed during 2023, at current living wage of 23k, that's almost 60b, or 600 bucks for every taxpayer. And that's just the ones we "caught". If the real number is double that, then you're looking at 1200 bucks per taxpayer. And it's not charity you voluntarily contribute to, it's folks walking into your place and demanding it, with government folks reminding you that you either pay or go to the prison. If people want so badly to help people from other countries to have jobs, they can start a 503c charity on the internet in 90 days and donate till they have absolution for their sins. I already pay half my town to not work while I have jobs no one will come work at. No thanks.

1200 bucks is a lot of money to a lot of people who live paycheck to paycheck. Ask them to hand the money over right in front of a TV camera and tell them what it's for and see if they are too ascared to be called a racist or a xenophobe or whatever the kewl name is these days or if they just whip their 1200 bucks out and hand it over. Bet they tell you to fuck off or even better have to use a credit card to come up with the money. Lots of people enjoy demanding that money be taken out of the Treasury for their various crusades, more than 150m people voted in the last Presidential election, but not as many put money into the Treasury, only 100m taxpayers. Not sure that people who vote with my wallet ought to have much say in how my money gets spent.


Review Contributor
Messages: 5,607
Reviews: 28
I'm wondering if the people who think that the people pushing back against unlimited and uncontrolled illegal immigration are ass hats have any idea what they personally will pay for these people to be here. What happens when your wife, daughter or son is in dire need of emergency medical care and the hospital is completely full with illegals and there are no rooms, no doctors and nobody to assist your loved one. And u sit there watching them suffer. It's worse than if you yourself are sick no? So it's not just a few extra tax dollars. What u also do t realize is that the cities are using monies allocated to them by the federal govt for infrastructure projects and other things and now they have burned through that money and are requesting hundreds of billions more. So the money we allocated is spent. The inflation we created real and devastating.. so much so that the president will likely actually lose to Trump.. and then more monies w need to be spent. These people don't have income they are coming at a clip of what? Quarter million a month that we see? We actually pay to house and feed them. If we print more money it drives inflation even higher.

Man I'm so glad I'm an ass hat.

You are probably a great guy. So open your home and let a half dozen live there w you.

Ass Hat out!
These types are more interested in virtue signaling and trying to impress people with how 'tolerant' and 'kind-hearted' they are. All emotion and not a hint of in-depth analysis of the issue. They need to be tuned out and not listened to.


Messages: 223
Saw a sexy as Spanish migrant today on the news standing out there with that fat ass,big ass titties....cold as hell out there looking for work


Review Contributor
Messages: 311
Reviews: 2
There is a hysterical video. Tried to find it and download it but can't seem to locate it. It's some liberal w a Biden sign on his lawn. Some dude pulls up and asks him some questions about immigration. The guy says they should be allowed no problem. He then calls 3 landscapers over and tells them to get their bags because they can stay here.
The guys face is priceless


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,204
Reviews: 43
These girls are not coming in through the southern border.
Yes they are.. Chinese travel to Ecuador Visa free and are immigrating up through the Southern border where they are apparently for Political Asylum entry.. I personally know of a few gals who took this route.. Happy Jack reported the same info earlier on the thread.. Google Ecuador and Chinese immigration for more details..


Treat every problem as your dog would.
Messages: 434
Reviews: 9
why discussing politics here?
We have Fox News and twitter for that. Let’s keep the direction towards the service girls. This grandpas are trapped in politics and can’t live a second without creating caos in their minds.
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