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Never Forget It’s All About Money


Review Contributor
Messages: 298
Reviews: 3
I have found on more than one occasion in the past that once you become a loyal customer of a spa and/or provider the quality of service slowly declines. my case where I've done business outside their locations and in motels, after a while they get too confident and start showing up late to the "Appointments they start, using their phones more during sessions, start asking you if they can smoke weed, on and on. I guess that's what happens when they see loyalty/kindness as a weakness and take things for granted, perhaps not realizing that they're not the only option out there and they can easily lose a customer. So long as you're paying their rate, the service should be what it was from day 1. If they're cutting you a significant break, well that is different.


Review Contributor
Messages: 126
Reviews: 10
I have been seeing a Latina for about six months now. She lives in a different state and has been notifying me everytime she's in town for me to come visit her. First 2 sessions were Hall of Fame worthy. First time we instantly clicked and she got 3 pops in 1 hour (Never did more than 2). Second time BBFS no extra charge, and SHE also ended up paying the MMS for 2 extra hours so I could stay longer with her (Another 3 pops this time BBFS with a Dime Piece). I've never experienced anyone soo into me like THAT before. It doesn't even end there..We end up exchanging contacts to which she invites me to her hometown and I end up staying with her for a weekend. Vibes were good, up until this point. It's funny because she was saying how perfect we are for each other, how she never went bare with anyone THAT early into meeting them, how she wants to move in together, etc.
In the end, she realizes I am not a Millionaire who is going to take care of her, so she ghosts me. I see this girl in Lambos, yahts, expensive hotels and VIP clubs on her story, and she always finds a way to ask me for money, to which I ignore the text. She was told me how she had a sugar daddy who was paying apartment in Manhattan for her. Some of these dudes are insane. What I've learned is she gets bored quick and she even knows it lol. A lot of dudes can't put up with girls like this. Unfortunately, it seems those initial sparks have died down, and the last few times I've went to see her has been so wack. She's not that into the sessions anymore, and only does one pop, and has gotten lazy with me, but of course still wants me to tip. Ive been tipping her an extra hundo everytime But As someone stated before, after some time with a regular, the service just started to decline. We still talk every now and then, Its just not the same as it used to be


Review Contributor
Messages: 298
Reviews: 3
I see this girl in Lambos, yahts, expensive hotels and VIP clubs on her story, and she always finds a way to ask me for money, to which I ignore the text. She was told me how she had a sugar daddy who was paying apartment in Manhattan for her. Some of these dudes are insane. What I've learned is she gets bored quick and she even knows it lol. A lot of dudes can't put up with girls like this. Unfortunately, it seems those initial sparks have died down, and the last few times I've went to see her has been so wack.
Been there, experienced it myself. I used to see this one girl (Honduran/Latin with some big ass tits) who had some Italian dude with $ paying her rent. From what she used to say to me, he got minimal action. And had no clue she was working those dollar dance joints or escorting here and there. Her friend introduced me to her (Her friend was full time pro). I see it like this...........and I always say this to dudes that I bring into the can train and tame a lion, but don't forget the killer instinct that is there. If you trip the wrong way, stumble the wrong way, run past the damn thing at the wrong time, the predator instinct will override EVERYTHING and that MF'er will kill you. These girls are the same way. A strong instinct/love for money above all else has been ingrained.


Registered Member
Messages: 31
Reviews: 2
I saw a MILF in Minnesota recently. After the flip she seemed to really enjoy my little friend. She was in the hotel where I stayed that night. She said if she had known she would have come up to my room for an extra session.

So I took her up on that option when I visited her a few days later. I again stayed at the hotel only this time she knew I was there for the night. After we had a fabulous duck during our Paid session that afternoon she came up to my room where we played for another hour until we were spent. We lay intertwined in each others arms for a while before she has to leave for her last appointment of the night. She never asked for nor was offered any extra $$ got the time in my room.

If I hadn’t checked out and had to leave town it may have been more fun as she contacted me the next day at noon and said she was done for the day.

Sometimes we find a rare gem. She was one of them. She really did seem to enjoy sfcking as much as I did. And gave it her all during our time together.

The last thing I will say is that I agree with everyone, the relationships we have with these women are totally transactional. We should just enjoy each session as they come and when it is time just move on to the next one as they do.


Review Contributor
Messages: 451
Reviews: 10
#45 my case where I've done business outside their locations and in motels, after a while they get too confident and start showing up late to the "Appointments they start, using their phones more during sessions, start asking you if they can smoke weed, on and on. I guess that's what happens when they see loyalty/kindness as a weakness and take things for granted, perhaps not realizing that they're not the only option out there and they can easily lose a customer. So long as you're paying their rate, the service should be what it was from day 1. If they're cutting you a significant break, well that is different.
I agree the time you book should be honored with good service and no distractions.


Review Contributor
Messages: 451
Reviews: 10
I saw a MILF in Minnesota recently. After the flip she seemed to really enjoy my little friend. She was in the hotel where I stayed that night. She said if she had known she would have come up to my room for an extra session.

So I took her up on that option when I visited her a few days later. I again stayed at the hotel only this time she knew I was there for the night. After we had a fabulous duck during our Paid session that afternoon she came up to my room where we played for another hour until we were spent. We lay intertwined in each others arms for a while before she has to leave for her last appointment of the night. She never asked for nor was offered any extra $$ got the time in my room.

If I hadn’t checked out and had to leave town it may have been more fun as she contacted me the next day at noon and said she was done for the day.

Sometimes we find a rare gem. She was one of them. She really did seem to enjoy sfcking as much as I did. And gave it her all during our time together.

The last thing I will say is that I agree with everyone, the relationships we have with these women are totally transactional. We should just enjoy each session as they come and when it is time just move on to the next one as they do.
I ‘m confused was she a professional or you pick her up ?


Review Contributor
Messages: 298
Reviews: 3
I saw a MILF in Minnesota recently. After the flip she seemed to really enjoy my little friend. She was in the hotel where I stayed that night. She said if she had known she would have come up to my room for an extra session.

So I took her up on that option when I visited her a few days later. I again stayed at the hotel only this time she knew I was there for the night. After we had a fabulous duck during our Paid session that afternoon she came up to my room where we played for another hour until we were spent. We lay intertwined in each others arms for a while before she has to leave for her last appointment of the night. She never asked for nor was offered any extra $$ got the time in my room.

If I hadn’t checked out and had to leave town it may have been more fun as she contacted me the next day at noon and said she was done for the day.

Sometimes we find a rare gem. She was one of them. She really did seem to enjoy sfcking as much as I did. And gave it her all during our time together.

The last thing I will say is that I agree with everyone, the relationships we have with these women are totally transactional. We should just enjoy each session as they come and when it is time just move on to the next one as they do.
While most of these girls operate along the same lines, there are exceptions.........I know because I've ran into a couple (Exactly 2) including the one that I see now. As a quickie example of the one I see now, I had the only vicious cold this past week when I saw her (Everyone is sniffling out there) and after the first pop, I was having a bit of an issue reloading. She was napping next to me (She loves to nap) and I said to her, I think today is going to be one round. We had like two hours left for the room. She could've bounced or kept sleeping..........instead, she looks at me and says, I'm going to give you a BJ until you get hard. This girl takes her one hour rate and stays four hours with me on a short stay. The chemistry and attraction are there. I'm not simping or in love, I simply know when a girl, provider or not is enjoying the ride.

And I'll tell you one thing that I've learned about women over the can be young, old, ugly, good looking, skinny or fat.......when a girl hooks up with a guy that has that "Goldilocks" size that she likes and 1/2 ways knows how to use it, you are going to have some leverage and perks!

Sounds like this MILF has an off duty side to her!


Review Contributor
Messages: 694
Reviews: 34
I have been seeing a Latina for about six months now. She lives in a different state and has been notifying me everytime she's in town for me to come visit her. First 2 sessions were Hall of Fame worthy. First time we instantly clicked and she got 3 pops in 1 hour (Never did more than 2). Second time BBFS no extra charge, and SHE also ended up paying the MMS for 2 extra hours so I could stay longer with her (Another 3 pops this time BBFS with a Dime Piece). I've never experienced anyone soo into me like THAT before. It doesn't even end there..We end up exchanging contacts to which she invites me to her hometown and I end up staying with her for a weekend. Vibes were good, up until this point. It's funny because she was saying how perfect we are for each other, how she never went bare with anyone THAT early into meeting them, how she wants to move in together, etc.
In the end, she realizes I am not a Millionaire who is going to take care of her, so she ghosts me. I see this girl in Lambos, yahts, expensive hotels and VIP clubs on her story, and she always finds a way to ask me for money, to which I ignore the text. She was told me how she had a sugar daddy who was paying apartment in Manhattan for her. Some of these dudes are insane. What I've learned is she gets bored quick and she even knows it lol. A lot of dudes can't put up with girls like this. Unfortunately, it seems those initial sparks have died down, and the last few times I've went to see her has been so wack. She's not that into the sessions anymore, and only does one pop, and has gotten lazy with me, but of course still wants me to tip. Ive been tipping her an extra hundo everytime But As someone stated before, after some time with a regular, the service just started to decline. We still talk every now and then, Its just not the same as it used to be
Haha that’s usually how it goes they find some one who’s willing to finance them or they move


Review Contributor
Messages: 616
Reviews: 13
This is my take on this sex thing. I know they only care about the money. I got money. But I'm a cheap motherfucker. Why because the providers are a cheaper motherfucker as well. They don't treat us as friends. Its all about the money.


Review Contributor
Messages: 451
Reviews: 10
This is my take on this sex thing. I know they only care about the money. I got money. But I'm a cheap motherfucker. Why because the providers are a cheaper motherfucker as well. They don't treat us as friends. Its all about the money.
I had a provider once tell me “ I can afford an apartment only want a man that can buy me a home”.lol