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New to Denver


Review Contributor
Messages: 270
Reviews: 25

Assuming you came from the East Coast, specifically the NY metro area, as did I, prepare to overpay and be underwhelmed. I can't help you with your specific request (I'm partial to Asians), but I can tell you that anything decent is usually found on "the other board" or similar (not massage joints - they generally SUCK out here and not in a good way).

Hopefully someone else will come along and tell me that I'm wrong and provide a handful of great places, but don't hold your breath...


Review Contributor
Messages: 116
Reviews: 27
I second that observation Theotherboard is the best place to find valid providers, you can join for free . . . Suggest you do so. Lots of valid reviews with an easy database query when you looking for specifics. . . . All other sites are a crapshoot full of fakes, false photos, and unrealistic promises.