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Review: 5 Mott


Review Contributor
Messages: 541
Reviews: 28
Yeah I had her too. She once the money without doing the work. Jenny seems to be the only bright light there. And you could even find better than her in Chinatown so what's the point. I have had personal conversations with two of the girls. Jenny is the boss and she has them on a tight leash. She will fire them if they push the envelope... Even though Jenny is free to do whatever she wants. Ting ting sucks. The rest of them are afraid to get fired.


Review Contributor
Messages: 413
Reviews: 15
Title: Review: 5 Mott
Date: Oct 12, 2023
Phone: 917-238-0946
City: New york city
State: New york
Location: CT
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 45+80
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 50
Physical Description: Frumpy, short, 3/10 attractiveness puffy b's

Recommendation: No
Thanks for the review. Basically you TOFTT. Negative reviews help all of us avoid bad experiences. I've been fortunate to have had a session there with Jenny. It was a good one. It seems that any of the others are not worth the trip down the stairs.


Registered Member
Messages: 100
Reviews: 19
Damn sorry you had a bad experience there. I had a bad one with a lady there as well. She kept trying to push me for 1 and a half hours when I told her from the jump I only wanted an hour. Told Jenny that she's no good and dipped.

I'm guessing she got fired cause I never saw her again