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Review: Alicia 1041


Messages: 180
Reviews: 17
I’m not sure Wayne. I’d say if I took a shower maybe I’d have used the hour. But ymmv right ? Don’t get me wrong I had a blast and all. That pic. Is shopped. It’s what brought me in. She looks like the bottom ones but def has age on her.


Review Contributor
Messages: 12,857
Reviews: 111
Let's verify a so so expierienice or go for the real thing. Thanks EB, wasn't going anyway but you really helped everyone decide. Too many others to try.


Review Contributor
Messages: 584
Reviews: 16
Yo folks, I'm confused, too. This Alicia....her pix u put up Wayne....she looks like she has a rather decent top for a tiny girl.....are these accurate? Is it her?


Review Contributor
Messages: 12,857
Reviews: 111
Picture of pink, made this thread confusing, sorry. First collage is Alicia, too bad she looked like the youngest I ever saw at Bella's or ADH.


Messages: 180
Reviews: 17
Yo. You ever see Asian chicks get pictures taken. And they get photoshopped ? It’s pretty much what it is. The bottom one is spot on. Tits are nice. Really mushy. Makes me wonder how old she really is. Hmm. Still a good time. She was really nice.


A sage with delusions of self appointed authority
Messages: 4,782
Reviews: 58
Mushy is not an indication of age, it's relative density of the breast tissue. True story, I had a fling with an 18 yo (many years ago). Cute as a button, freckles, skinny, pretty boobs under her thread bare t-shirts. When her bra came off they sagged a bit and they almost disappeared in your hand when I squeezed and massaged them. Not all that unusual. I have a 50+ year old in my life whose boobs are firm, perky and bounce back like a nerf football! So, not a good indicator of age at all.