Title: Review: Apple Spa
Date: Sep 25, 2023
Phone: 4014701332
City: Providence
State: RI
Location: 1021
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 70 + $.40
Nationality: Korean
Age Estimate: Late 40s
Physical Description: 5’5, slim with natural Bs that sagged a little. Pooch in the stomach that drooped. Mannish looking face.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Sep 25, 2023
Phone: 4014701332
City: Providence
State: RI
Location: 1021
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 70 + $.40
Nationality: Korean
Age Estimate: Late 40s
Physical Description: 5’5, slim with natural Bs that sagged a little. Pooch in the stomach that drooped. Mannish looking face.
Recommendation: Yes