Title: Review: Brenda - New Haven
Date: Dec 8, 2018
Phone: 2034771068
City: New Haven
State: CT
Address: Her home
Activities: BBBJ, CFS
Age Estimate: 64
Nationality: Caucasian
Physical Description: Fit GILF with man made DDs
Summary: Was up at Mohegan Sun for the weekend and decided to pay a visit to one of my favorite GILFs. Always a good time with Brenda.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Dec 8, 2018
Phone: 2034771068
City: New Haven
State: CT
Address: Her home
Activities: BBBJ, CFS
Age Estimate: 64
Nationality: Caucasian
Physical Description: Fit GILF with man made DDs
Summary: Was up at Mohegan Sun for the weekend and decided to pay a visit to one of my favorite GILFs. Always a good time with Brenda.
Recommendation: Yes