Title: Review: Erica - Body Works Wellness
Date: Jul 5, 2022
Phone: 732-492-5977
City: Manalapan
State: NJ
Location: Craig Road
Age Estimate: 20s
Nationality: Latina
Physical Description: Absolutely gorgeous. Long dark hair and a very petite, well put together frame. If I had to give a comparison, I would say to think Snooki, but far, far more attractive.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Jul 5, 2022
Phone: 732-492-5977
City: Manalapan
State: NJ
Location: Craig Road
Age Estimate: 20s
Nationality: Latina
Physical Description: Absolutely gorgeous. Long dark hair and a very petite, well put together frame. If I had to give a comparison, I would say to think Snooki, but far, far more attractive.
Recommendation: Yes