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Review: HNS - Jay


Review Contributor
Messages: 3,892
Reviews: 88
Is Jay really that old ? Or does she really look that old. I’m mostly considering making the trip for the actual nuru and her big rack, won’t find that anywhere else
Jay is over 50.
Her face shows her age but her body is amazing.
Yes there are much better looking providers in NYC.
But avoiding the hassle of the city is worth seeing Jay.
Her tits alone make it worthwhile.
She gives great service.
Would I come from NYC to see Jay, NO!
Would I go into NYC instead of Jay, NO!
happy and safe mongering boys.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,260
Reviews: 25
Jay is over 50.
Her face shows her age but her body is amazing.
Yes there are much better looking providers in NYC.
But avoiding the hassle of the city is worth seeing Jay.
Her tits alone make it worthwhile.
She gives great service.
Would I come from NYC to see Jay, NO!
Would I go into NYC instead of Jay, NO!
happy and safe mongering boys.
Emphasis on avoiding the hassle of the city, but I’m more south of jersey around Newark so I’d have to pass the city not leave or go into. Might take the plunge, the drive would be so much more peaceful than going into Manhattan and where I am is dead


Review Contributor
Messages: 3,892
Reviews: 88
Emphasis on avoiding the hassle of the city, but I’m more south of jersey around Newark so I’d have to pass the city not leave or go into. Might take the plunge, the drive would be so much more peaceful than going into Manhattan and where I am is dead
Newark area, I’d jump on the path train and go to NYC.
Probably quicker than driving up north.


Registered Member
Messages: 354
Reviews: 19
Jay is over 50.
Her face shows her age but her body is amazing.
Yes there are much better looking providers in NYC.
But avoiding the hassle of the city is worth seeing Jay.
Her tits alone make it worthwhile.
She gives great service.
Would I come from NYC to see Jay, NO!
Would I go into NYC instead of Jay, NO!
happy and safe mongering boys.
Body is banging like a Kianna dior but the face and smile are a dead give away she at least 55. Face nowhere as attractive as pornstar Kianna Dior and that pornstar got veneers too, but she's like 50+ too