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Review: Michelle's Place - Li Li


Review Contributor
Messages: 123
Reviews: 44
Pete, in the description you said she was 30 and thin, but in the details you wrote she isn’t young and not a spinner. Can you compare her to someone please or qualify your details? Thanks


A sage with delusions of self appointed authority
Messages: 4,786
Reviews: 58
Holy fuckaroni - she is somewhere between 30 and 70 - my god this board just never stops entertaining.

Side note - M always pushes you to the "new girl" - has done that for years.


Review Contributor
Messages: 249
Reviews: 49
@kantuchdis I think she has found the error of her ways. Recently she told me her assistant will not give any extras so I insisted that Michelle does the appointment. I feel like she learned the hard way what happens when you pull the bait and switch. I will bet my car (but not my house) that Li Li is no where near 60. Unless of course I am really bad at this age thing.


Review Contributor
Messages: 717
Reviews: 39
@kantuchdis I think she has found the error of her ways. Recently she told me her assistant will not give any extras so I insisted that Michelle does the appointment. I feel like she learned the hard way what happens when you pull the bait and switch. I will bet my car (but not my house) that Li Li is no where near 60. Unless of course I am really bad at this age thing.
I bet the guy who said above 60 meant Michelle and not li


Registered Member
Messages: 255
Reviews: 36
I bet the guy who said above 60 meant Michelle and not li
Nah I love Michelle. She's awesome (aside from the bait and switch issues which I agree seem to be in the past). Michelle is probably early 50s. The Li Li I met was definitely 60+ definitely gilf material if you believe in such things!