Title: Review: Morgan - Body Works Wellness
Date: Jun 11, 2022
Phone: 732-492-5977
City: Manalapan
State: NJ
Location: Craig Road
Age Estimate: 30ish
Physical Description: Very nice body, if a little bit on the thick side. (Kinda reminded me a bit of Snooky) Good size tires, almost definitely man-made. Overall, extremely attractive.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Jun 11, 2022
Phone: 732-492-5977
City: Manalapan
State: NJ
Location: Craig Road
Age Estimate: 30ish
Physical Description: Very nice body, if a little bit on the thick side. (Kinda reminded me a bit of Snooky) Good size tires, almost definitely man-made. Overall, extremely attractive.
Recommendation: Yes