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Review: Sesame 54 - Scarlett


Registered Member
Messages: 85
Reviews: 20
Title: Review: Sesame 54 - Scarlett
Date: Dec 11, 2023
Phone: 215-361-0772
City: Lansdale
State: PA
Location: Broad Street near Cowpath (Rt 363)
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) $.7 + $1.5
Nationality: Korean
Age Estimate: 30's
Physical Description: TALL! 5'7" Shoulder length hair, Natural C's, very attractive - MILF bod - not a spinner, not thick, somewhere in between - maybe 145-150 lbs. Had a little bush working which was a nice change. Long legs

Recommendation: Yes


Review Contributor
Messages: 557
Reviews: 23
Very nice review. I forgot to mention the Men's flannel shirt in my review, she wore that, and it was sexy as fuck! Part of me wanted her to keep it on, but that body needed full display.

Curious about your Billy Joel reference. I feel like I should get it, but I don't.