Title: Review: Skippack Massage - Mia/Mimi
Date: Sep 11, 2023
Phone: 610-615-3122
City: Skippack
State: PA
Location: Rt 73 and Lucon Rd.
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) .6 + .8
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 40s
Physical Description: 5'3", medium build, mid-length hair, perky full Bs with low cut t-shirt and yoga pants
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Sep 11, 2023
Phone: 610-615-3122
City: Skippack
State: PA
Location: Rt 73 and Lucon Rd.
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) .6 + .8
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 40s
Physical Description: 5'3", medium build, mid-length hair, perky full Bs with low cut t-shirt and yoga pants
Recommendation: Yes