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Review: Society hill


Registered Member
Messages: 35
Reviews: 8
Title: Review: Society hill
Date: Jan 4, 2019
City: Society hill
State: Pa
Activities: Fbsm
Age Estimate: 30s
Physical Description: Young and fit
Summary: I've seen 3 of these lovely ladies too date and time for review. No matter who you see you cant go wrong but I keep going back for Paige and Sasha. They seem to be the most sensual and give a decent massage.

Recommendation: Yes


Review Contributor
Messages: 63
Reviews: 23
Title: Review: Society hill
Date: Jan 4, 2019
City: Society hill
State: Pa
Activities: Fbsm
Age Estimate: 30s
Physical Description: Young and fit
Summary: I've seen 3 of these lovely ladies too date and time for review. No matter who you see you cant go wrong but I keep going back for Paige and Sasha. They seem to be the most sensual and give a decent massage.

Recommendation: Yes
What was the total amount?


Review Contributor
Messages: 253
Reviews: 47
Shower stall is available for you to use solo during your session, but be aware that whatever time you spend in the shower will likely be applied to the hour you paid for.