Title: Review: Trooper Massage - Jenny and Yoyo
Date: Nov 4, 2023
Phone: 215-272-9357
City: Norristown
State: PA
Location: 506 S Trooper Rd (detached house)
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) $70 + $80
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: Jenny ~50, Yoyo <30
Physical Description: Jenny slim with "worn" face, Yoyo slim and busty
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Nov 4, 2023
Phone: 215-272-9357
City: Norristown
State: PA
Location: 506 S Trooper Rd (detached house)
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) $70 + $80
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: Jenny ~50, Yoyo <30
Physical Description: Jenny slim with "worn" face, Yoyo slim and busty
Recommendation: Yes