Title: Review: Vida Spa - Emily
Date: Nov 6, 2023
Phone: 864-349-1565
City: Greenville
State: SC
Location: Small strip mall off of a utility type road
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 60 + 160
Nationality: Thai
Age Estimate: 30s
Physical Description: 5'5, 130lbs, shoulder length black hair, natural curvy body, natural b cups, shaved. Beautiful eyes and smile.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Nov 6, 2023
Phone: 864-349-1565
City: Greenville
State: SC
Location: Small strip mall off of a utility type road
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 60 + 160
Nationality: Thai
Age Estimate: 30s
Physical Description: 5'5, 130lbs, shoulder length black hair, natural curvy body, natural b cups, shaved. Beautiful eyes and smile.
Recommendation: Yes