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Review: Violet Oriental Lucky

Old Time Monger

Review Contributor
Messages: 1,685
Reviews: 83
Title: Review: Violet Oriental Lucky
Date: Apr 1, 2024
City: Williamstown
State: NJ
Location: Traders Lane
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 60 + $
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 30
Physical Description: 5'5" long black hair MM C's, trimmed below, but hair all around, tats on left shin, left upper arm, right shoulder blade

Recommendation: No


Messages: 1,021
Reviews: 46
Title: Review: Violet Oriental Lucky
Date: Apr 1, 2024
City: Williamstown
State: NJ
Location: Traders Lane
House Fee & Tip (if applicable) 60 + $
Nationality: Chinese
Age Estimate: 30
Physical Description: 5'5" long black hair MM C's, trimmed below, but hair all around, tats on left shin, left upper arm, right shoulder blade

Recommendation: No
I was there today (review coming) with Tina who was the only provider available at that time.