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Tips on Maintaining Active Membership

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Messages: 445
Read carefully, to avoid the possibility of losing your membership here.

The content posted in the Private Details section within every review, as well as any information shared inside one of our many new Private Access forums is sacred. This means the author of such content intended it to be privately shared among members with Private Access ONLY.

As a member here, you accept the shared responsibility of keeping that information sacred.

In other words, you will lose your membership if you ever reveal the contents of private details or a Private Forum to non-private access members. Even if you do so by accident. There will be a zero tolerance policy applied to enforcement of this guideline. In other words, it doesn’t matter who you are, how long you’ve been here, how many posts or reviews you have, or whether you did it maliciously or do it, you’re gone. Period.

Avoid making this mistake in your posts.

Especially avoid using QUOTE in your posts. If you quote something, keep in mind that you might be quoting something in private details only to make it visible to the general public in your public reply. You do that, you’re gone.

Avoid asking questions about something someone posted in the private details. Avoid referencing something someone posted in the private details. In both cases, you may be revealing something indirectly . And even in that case, you’re gone.

Members take note! If you see this happen out there in the forums, REPORT IT. We have several mods now and more importantly than just banning the offending member, we have to clean up the thread.

Although we avoid ever editing the content posted by our members in posts or reviews, this is an exception. You can bet your bottom dollar that we will edit a post to protect private information that some idiot negligently revealed.

AMPReviews members, thanks for your understanding. Please help us to implement and enforce this guideline. The best forums on the net are the ones that are self-monitored and policed by the members.


Review Contributor
Messages: 661
Reviews: 2
Great idea. Is it possible to disable the feature of automatically pre-populating the reply box with a quote when replying to a specific post? This function might lead to inadvertently repeating a revelation made by another post.


Review Contributor
Messages: 9,115
Reviews: 210
If someone doesn't have private details and asks a question they wouldn't know is in private details. I would imagine this does not apply to them?


Messages: 445
I’ll give an example though where it WOULD, in fact, apply.

Let’s say a guy wrote a very negative review about a girl but only revealed the bad part in the private details. He recommended yes so a member with no access to private details would not even know it’s a bad review.

Then, let’s say, a member without access makes a reply and says

“Well I hate to hear that Hana did that to you. I always thought she was good but it sounds like she’s changed and I’ll never see her again”

A post like that would reveal to non-private details that it was a bad review and would reveal that the private details describe something bad that Hana did.

And, for that, he would be banned.


Hero of the stupid
Messages: 4,080
Reviews: 44
What about comments that either inquire about sensitive information that is not provided in private details or divulge more information that is in private details?


Review Contributor
Messages: 9,115
Reviews: 210
I’ll give an example though where it WOULD, in fact, apply.

Let’s say a guy wrote a very negative review about a girl but only revealed the bad part in the private details. He recommended yes so a member with no access to private details would not even know it’s a bad review.

Then, let’s say, a member without access makes a reply and says

“Well I hate to hear that Hana did that to you. I always thought she was good but it sounds like she’s changed and I’ll never see her again”

A post like that would reveal to non-private details that it was a bad review and would reveal that the private details describe something bad that Hana did.

And, for that, he would be banned.
How would a member with no access be able to determine that?? My question was asking if a member with no access asked about something and didn't know what hes asking since it's hidden would lead to the reviewer revealing too much outside of the private details that only members with access get to see.


Review Contributor
Messages: 841
Reviews: 44
I’ll give an example though where it WOULD, in fact, apply.

Let’s say a guy wrote a very negative review about a girl but only revealed the bad part in the private details. He recommended yes so a member with no access to private details would not even know it’s a bad review.

Then, let’s say, a member without access makes a reply and says

“Well I hate to hear that Hana did that to you. I always thought she was good but it sounds like she’s changed and I’ll never see her again”

A post like that would reveal to non-private details that it was a bad review and would reveal that the private details describe something bad that Hana did.

And, for that, he would be banned.
A good idea, however a better solution is to NOT include any private text at all in the generated reply message. In fact private should be view at one place only text.
Thihs all has to be programmed and should be easily possible, cant leave it for users to be careful.


Messages: 445
That’s already in the works, BB.

In fact I’m not so sure it’s not functional already. I’ll have to test it.

BUT, having said that, this thread is about the consequences of revealing content that was made private by the author. Those who make that choice will pay dearly. The system shortcomings that may or may not cause the occasional accidental revealing of private content are but a very small percentage of it. A good point to bring up, no doubt, but almost a non-issue when compared to the issue as a whole of negligence regarding private content.

Uniquelyme, listen up my friend. Having run massive communities of this nature for approaching 20 years, I’ve seen every possible scenario that could possibly come up.

Some folks around here may think they know more about this stuff than me. The short of it is, they don’t.

The scenario I described could present itself in 2 ways. One being a member who HAD the access and may have lost it shortly after reading the review. They commit an offending post which reveals private access, but when a mod encounters it, it seems they didn’t have the access.

The other scenario is that they obtained the info from a different source. Maybe someone told them about it privately. Or maybe someone gave them access to see.

In either case, if they made a post revealing what’s private, they’ll pay dearly for it.

By the way someone mentioned a question that caused the reviewer to accidentally reveal private content from his own review. At least that’s how I read it. Anyway, the reviewer is the only one that’s exempt from this. If he chooses to reveal something publicly that he wrote in the private details, that’s his choice and he may do so. And, once it’s revealed publicly by the reviewer, it’s no longer bound by the guidelines that protect the private content

Thanks guys


Messages: 445
I’m saying that revealing private content is a violation that will result in loss of posting privileges. If someone wishes to avoid that from happening, then they should exercise caution when posting that they are not revealing details that were posted privately.

If being off this site permanently is someone’s desire, there are far more easy ways to accomplish. Simply ask, and your wish is my command.

I do not want ANYONE here that does not wish to be here. However, for those who DO wish to be here, you’ve made yourselves heard loud and clear that staff protecting which has been posted in the private details is and will remain of the utmost concern. The staff’s stance on this going forward can be viewed as a display of our commitment to give our vast majority of contributing members what they’ve asked for: a site that values it’s members input and helps to protect what its members feel is better left said “behind closed doors”


Registered Member
Messages: 315
Reviews: 20
There is some tech magic that helps avoid at least some mistakes. I recently QUOTE’d an entire review in a thread, then realized I may have revealed private details, but I logged out to see what it looks like to a non-member and it showed the review basics while hiding the private stuff, just like it does in the original review. Phew! I assume this only works if you share an entire review - if you copy only a snippet of private stuff, it won’t know to hide it.


Messages: 445
Yes that was something I had coded early on, but admittedly had never tested once the programmers told me it was complete. Glad to hear it works!


Review Contributor
Messages: 6,762
Reviews: 29
So any discussion at all of even the slightest detail of something said in private details gets us banned? Most threads revolve around what is said in the private details! Guess the idea now is for us to not make comments and go the PM route. Very well then, underground we go!


Review Contributor
Messages: 6,762
Reviews: 29
Say a guy writes in the private details within his review: "such and such a girl had decent sized tits".

If I reply "what do you mean by decent sized tits?" I am banned?
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