Read carefully, to avoid the possibility of losing your membership here.
The content posted in the Private Details section within every review, as well as any information shared inside one of our many new Private Access forums is sacred. This means the author of such content intended it to be privately shared among members with Private Access ONLY.
As a member here, you accept the shared responsibility of keeping that information sacred.
In other words, you will lose your membership if you ever reveal the contents of private details or a Private Forum to non-private access members. Even if you do so by accident. There will be a zero tolerance policy applied to enforcement of this guideline. In other words, it doesn’t matter who you are, how long you’ve been here, how many posts or reviews you have, or whether you did it maliciously or do it, you’re gone. Period.
Avoid making this mistake in your posts.
Especially avoid using QUOTE in your posts. If you quote something, keep in mind that you might be quoting something in private details only to make it visible to the general public in your public reply. You do that, you’re gone.
Avoid asking questions about something someone posted in the private details. Avoid referencing something someone posted in the private details. In both cases, you may be revealing something indirectly . And even in that case, you’re gone.
Members take note! If you see this happen out there in the forums, REPORT IT. We have several mods now and more importantly than just banning the offending member, we have to clean up the thread.
Although we avoid ever editing the content posted by our members in posts or reviews, this is an exception. You can bet your bottom dollar that we will edit a post to protect private information that some idiot negligently revealed.
AMPReviews members, thanks for your understanding. Please help us to implement and enforce this guideline. The best forums on the net are the ones that are self-monitored and policed by the members.
The content posted in the Private Details section within every review, as well as any information shared inside one of our many new Private Access forums is sacred. This means the author of such content intended it to be privately shared among members with Private Access ONLY.
As a member here, you accept the shared responsibility of keeping that information sacred.
In other words, you will lose your membership if you ever reveal the contents of private details or a Private Forum to non-private access members. Even if you do so by accident. There will be a zero tolerance policy applied to enforcement of this guideline. In other words, it doesn’t matter who you are, how long you’ve been here, how many posts or reviews you have, or whether you did it maliciously or do it, you’re gone. Period.
Avoid making this mistake in your posts.
Especially avoid using QUOTE in your posts. If you quote something, keep in mind that you might be quoting something in private details only to make it visible to the general public in your public reply. You do that, you’re gone.
Avoid asking questions about something someone posted in the private details. Avoid referencing something someone posted in the private details. In both cases, you may be revealing something indirectly . And even in that case, you’re gone.
Members take note! If you see this happen out there in the forums, REPORT IT. We have several mods now and more importantly than just banning the offending member, we have to clean up the thread.
Although we avoid ever editing the content posted by our members in posts or reviews, this is an exception. You can bet your bottom dollar that we will edit a post to protect private information that some idiot negligently revealed.
AMPReviews members, thanks for your understanding. Please help us to implement and enforce this guideline. The best forums on the net are the ones that are self-monitored and policed by the members.