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What happened to DDG girls


Registered Member
Messages: 43
I paid $500 in the elite section of RB for jerrybliss , the pic I posted. shes a 20 out of 10 in person. her voice had a lovely asmr tingle and her skin had a divine glow that I'd never seen before. She was like a goddess of pleasure in every sense. Even her saliva tasted amazing.


Registered Member
Messages: 229
Wow, you guys are actually pining for the days of kgfe. I found kgfe so frustrating that instead I often saw (usually Chinese) women who were much less attractive to avoid all of the maddening limitations. I felt that way no matter how hot the woman was the restrictions just killed the joy. But everyone has different memories obviously. Your comments strongly suggest that the Gfei business model has widespread appeal and will spread to more orgs. I find it appealing too (even though I don't like the higher prices). I would rather pay more than eventually lose the best talent to LA.
I don’t think that’s what guys are pining for at all. They (we?) would like the average looks to rebound to a level more in line with past experiences. I think this thread is more about looks than service.

And, to your point, I’d rather get kgfe from a young hottie than pse from a not so young and not so hot kgirl.

Everbody has different experiences, preferences and memories.


Registered Member
Messages: 286
Agreed would way rather hot girl w gfe. Like others mentioned , quality suffers w PSE. The hotter girls can dictate they want to do less. Uglier girls or older have to do PSE to stay in biz. A DDG girl who is your popular is not gonna just opt to do PSE if she doesn’t have to. But I’m also not a pse monger tho


Call me rocket; truth > lies, bros > pros
Messages: 1,060
Not to take itleven more offtopic, but it's not just DDG girls number going down. The freaks who I a service lover, there
are pretty much no new ones.

Where are the new Yuffies and Kiras? Hurricane Hanas, Yunas?

A good new DT girl coming here is like a carnival - once a year.


Registered Member
Messages: 43
Lsc has 2 more girls. Kori and Yuni. new girls are a very good sign especially after an increase. I just hope they are younger. If they are, then we're going to be in the golden times again soon.
These new girls will set the standard for what we'll be getting in the future. I'm going to toftt cuz this is a big deal, I wanna see what we're getting.


Registered Member
Messages: 286
Pics for those 2 looks just ok , nothing special. Not better than Cora. I like LSC but still waiting for to get some eye candy over 5’2. All their girls have same specs


Registered Member
Messages: 43
I was all excited yesterday but I rubbed one out and lost interest. the night life in San Jose is also back to pre pandemic levels. I'm going to sit at a busy bar and talk to woman who order drinks. I miss the feeling of tits bumping into me and touching my arm to apologize.


Registered Member
Messages: 36
Reviews: 6
So in post-coital chit chat with a provider today, she mentioned there were a lot of agahshis (girls) coming over from Korea due to the strong dollar. Hope this means a fresh wave coming over soon.


Bonerhope, pecker_wood, Pete2, thomasbird, Ppipe,
Messages: 107
Reviews: 6
No one really qualifies for DDG last several yrs, except maybe a couple but no one currently. I would say you have to go back 8-10 yrs+ for the golden era. Objectively on appearance it was def way better before, so I disagree it’s nostalgia. Back in the day, at any given time I had 2-3 good options to choose from. These days even when I want to hobby it’s a challenge to find even one. My visits are way down over the years because of it
I sort of agree that the DDG quality has gone down, but I realize my memory isn't that objective, so I'm not that sure.

However, I think DDG at right price point is important to get new guys into the market. Newbies go for the face/body looks while experienced mongers go for service/attitude. In SF Redbook days, I wouldn't go above $200. Even now I won't do $300/hr unless looks and style of service I like is good.

SF Redbook with it's advertising and comment, discussion I think got the $200/hr market going. It helped pull new independant girls in, before korgs, who priced low initially, but if hot would go up to $250/hr. It also helped newbies realize there were a lot of existing mongers which tends to validate them, similar to what happens with ampreviews.

I think that if you got hot girls, but service inexperienced to do $200 or $180/half hr like C orgs, it would pull a lot of new guys into the market. Fantasy K Girls I think has the right idea at $220/hhr, $270/hr
I know some regular mongers only do 1/2 hr for new girls, then if repeat 1hr. Of course, orgs don't like 1/2 hours, because it wastes the half not booked.

It's classic marketing. In a new product market, new consumers and experienced consumers advise buying lower cost product initially, seeing if you like it, what extra features you will pay more for, etc. Then if your into it, upgrading.

Problem is that hot looking inexperienced girls tend to overcharge, have gps, etc. They also don't have stamina to do 10 guys a day. On the other hand, maybe we can get local girls, college girls to do it part time which is what happens in Toronto's legal nude jack shacks and Quebec outcall, both are very good value for $ with young good looking mostly white girls, but other races too.