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What the hell is wrong with me ? Am I jaded?


Registered Member
Messages: 1,602
Reviews: 10
Agreed, she wasn't looking for sex with an old dude. He took a quasi formidable shot. If that is all it was why oh why is the thread called: What the hell is wrong with me?

I interpret this as a man, who like all of us, has become accustomed to pay and play, and forgotten how to engage with a real woman, in the real world. It bothered him that he was summarily excused and rejected. There is an important monger lesson here. Being in a restaurant with a beautiful young woman, for a night or whatever, is a far cry from a TS nuru slide red light experience in the boom boom room.

The lesson, and what the op is trying to say is that he is jaded. he has become so used to slapping down a donation and doing the deed, that he has forgotten how to treat a real woman. I think this is a lesson for us all. What we do here is fantasy. When you are in Little Italy with a woman half your age, that is a whole other deal, one most of us have forgotten how to handle. Truth be told.
We've had our disagreements here but this last post sums it up accurately.
Except .. she was one third my age .
FWIW I'm taking one of my SB to Little Italy this Sunday who is also 22.
Not paying her a penny. No sexual tension as we've been seeing each other for a year.


Review Contributor
Messages: 87
Reviews: 11
Just scanned this thread. So many sub themes here but I'm not sure the dude is jaded. That you thought you had a chance I think is quite the opposite of jaded.

I had been having issues. Not getting it up, but hitting a plateu where I could fuck forever hard and not nut. Was not sure what's tthe issue. Jerking off too much maybe?

Anyways my current I met on SA. Kink brings us together. I was looking for a straight up meet a couple times a month smack her around bang her pay her leave. She's 23. GND looks but great shape and brilliant.

She's NEVER asked for a dime.

But my well defined couple times a month......we see each other at least 2 days a week. One is a lunch or drink and hang. the other is for aa session. We text several times a day and sometimes phone. We take trips.....sometimes she comes with me on business if its a place she can see friends that live there. Sometimes we just find a staycation airbnb outside the city we can get to by train. Go hit wineries. We know everything about each other.

I send her some gift cards and money. It's not significant. Never right after I fuck her. She likes the expereince and not the money so I try to make the giftsthoughtful.

I'm having intense orgasms with her and she with me.

Last week we had our first "fight". It was personal and she acted out during sex and It was weird. I have trouble getting up or off. Normal P4P arrangement I think that would have been the last I see her. We meet out for a drink and talk through it. Folllow up a few days later and amazing sex.

She's heading out of town to see some firends on the WC. Going to be the longest time we don't see each other.

I'm twice her age. Not sure what the fuck I got myself into. I'd be lying if I told you we didn't have emotions for each other or worse. I know this will end at some point. When that happens, a big part of me feels I will be jaded.


Registered Member
Messages: 1,602
Reviews: 10
Just scanned this thread. So many sub themes here but I'm not sure the dude is jaded. That you thought you had a chance I think is quite the opposite of jaded.

I had been having issues. Not getting it up, but hitting a plateu where I could fuck forever hard and not nut. Was not sure what's tthe issue. Jerking off too much maybe?

Anyways my current I met on SA. Kink brings us together. I was looking for a straight up meet a couple times a month smack her around bang her pay her leave. She's 23. GND looks but great shape and brilliant.

She's NEVER asked for a dime.

But my well defined couple times a month......we see each other at least 2 days a week. One is a lunch or drink and hang. the other is for aa session. We text several times a day and sometimes phone. We take trips.....sometimes she comes with me on business if its a place she can see friends that live there. Sometimes we just find a staycation airbnb outside the city we can get to by train. Go hit wineries. We know everything about each other.

I send her some gift cards and money. It's not significant. Never right after I fuck her. She likes the expereince and not the money so I try to make the giftsthoughtful.

I'm having intense orgasms with her and she with me.

Last week we had our first "fight". It was personal and she acted out during sex and It was weird. I have trouble getting up or off. Normal P4P arrangement I think that would have been the last I see her. We meet out for a drink and talk through it. Folllow up a few days later and amazing sex.

She's heading out of town to see some firends on the WC. Going to be the longest time we don't see each other.

I'm twice her age. Not sure what the fuck I got myself into. I'd be lying if I told you we didn't have emotions for each other or worse. I know this will end at some point. When that happens, a big part of me feels I will be jaded.
This posts belongs on the SA thread , not here. This thread not about P4P.
It's the exact opposite. Civi's.

Cum Tzu

Review Contributor
Messages: 208
Verbose as this is, it is on point. OP needs the magic word.. patience.. Patience and opportunity. The door will open, however if the door gets kicked in, it rattles people. He kicked the door in. He basically said here is dinner, now i want to get in your pants. She was insulted. This isn't a by the hour woman, and therein lies the lack of patience. There is no romance in the hobby business. Some of these guys think it is, they are simply simps getting played by a pro. This was a classy young woman, sharing a NYC experience with an older man, one whom she thought was above that. That is why she was there in the first place.

Now if it was me, I would have sprung for a high end hotel room with a piano bar. Something like the old Booby Short setup at the Carlyle. After drinks, and some music, I might have gently asked if she would like to go upstairs for a nightcap. Might have gone differently. Ambiance goes a long way.

There is an interesting gentleman who writes a column about men and women. His name is David D'Angelo. He talks about the power and attraction in relationships, dating and established coupes. Once you lose the attraction, it is difficult to regain it. It might me something you do, something you say, being cheap, blurting things out. Whatever it is, once a woman loses her attraction for you, it is over. She lost her attraction for him, for all the previously stated reasons. The only lesson learned for the OP is what not to do next time.
Yes, it’s all about confidence. If dinner and the conversation is going well, when the waiter comes to your table and asks about dessert, you smile, look the young lady in the eye and wink, and tell the waiter it’s already taken care of.


Review Contributor
Messages: 213
Reviews: 33
Sunday afternoon I was sitting by Bethesda Fountain in Central Park and noticed a young asian girl college age sitting next to me. I asked her to take a pic of me and she then asked to take one of her on her phone. We struck up a convo that went very smooth Turns out she's an exchange student from Korea and just finished her one and only semester at NYU. She speaks perfect English and obviously well educated. She looked quite pretty in a GND way. Age 22. We talked about NYC, music ( she once came from Korea to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers for a single concert in NJ , paid by dad), and talked more topics like living in NYC etc. Then we walked around the park watching different performers while enjoying the beautiful day and each others company. I'm thinking to myself that this is incredible , just hanging with a young girl in park something Ive never done.

I asked her to join me for dinner in Little Italy that night and she said sure. So took a taxi to my apt in Murray Hill. By amazing coincidence she is staying in the building right across the street. Told her to meet me in front in 15 min and we'll take a taxi to Little Italy. )

( I'll now distress with some background in me . I'm 68 in a sexless marriage but in my hobby life get plenty of sex between AMP's and NYC students sugar babies etc. Just the night before I had 2 amazing hours with Barbie of AF. I can get it anytime I want as I have the time , money and live in midtown)

So I go to my apt thinking to myself this is almost TGBTT. This amazing girl lives by herself across the street and we are about to have dinner after spending an amazing day together. I grab a few condoms and 50MG of V just incase. I tell myself I need to make a move before or during desert.

We enjoy a great dinner and walk around before going to a cafe. I'm debating in my mind do I make a move or just leave it alone as a good memorable day and be thankful I got to hang out with her. At no point had she given any signals that this can go the next step. My little head prevails. I asked her if I can hold her hand. She got nervous and held out her hand as if to shake mine. Then I asked her if she's ever been with an older man before. She was getting uncomfortable as this seemed to be coming out on nowhere.
Then I said I'd like to take her home and please her..

That did it. She said she had to leave to meet a friend and was gone in a few seconds.

Looking back now it was clear she was just a nice kid who enjoyed hanging out with me . I was a real Ahole to try and transition it to more.
After years of mongering I am jaded I guess .

I texted her to send some pics. No reply .
where do you find student sugar babies


Review Contributor
Messages: 685
Reviews: 24
I’m surprised she went along as far as she did, but yeah your last action could have come across as very creepy. You mention your age, but if you are 60 and not fit and handsome, then I’m not surprised by how things panned out. I’m sure you were feeling good and im
Sorry it didn’t work out


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,691
Reviews: 97
Great thread . Fascinating and responses from some of my favorite members , namely Slim and the Chairmen . (Go Yanks , hurry up Judge !)
Y'all have been waiting for me to weigh in here, eh?
Oh, you meant AARON Judge?
Never mind.

A few random thoughts here.

1. No man is the same. Strategies that work for some will not work for others, etc. Not an original observation.

2. No girl is the same. Well, that's not true. There are only 12 types. But 12 is a lot of strategies to figure out and keep straight. Some girls like cavemen. (And hey, the Neanderthals were underestimated. The guys in Lascaux had some artistic flair too). Some girls hate cavemen. Some switch back and forth depending on where they are in their estrous cycle. Go figure. This is a good thing btw. A successful species needs a mix of alphas and betas to survive and thrive. So if the girls only fucked alphas, Darwin tells us eventually we'd only have alphas and civilization would soon implode.

3. SOOOO many directions we could go with "enjoying her cannoli". Though the Godfather quote is of course the obvious one.

4. BK Basketball Metaphor Time (TM). Nutopia is the Miami Heat. This was an extremely unlikely run. He made it to the Finals/dinner, so the home crowd really ought to give him a hearty round of applause for getting this far. But just because you win 3 series you shouldn't have won (well, maybe 2, as a pessimist, I thought they had the edge on the Knicks all along), doesn't mean you're on your way to beating the Nuggets and getting past the Joker. You never really had a shot, but you gotta give it your all and play the game out. Too bad they and you all ran out of gas. {I feel like "Joker" should represent something here, but haven't figured out what that is yet}.

5. There were some adjustments you and the Heat might have made to improve the odds, so here are some suggestions. Though again, even with improved odds, this probably wasn't happening anyway. But it might have extended the series and led to some more memorable highlights if not quite to holding the trophy in the end.

6. I gotta agree on questioning the choice of Little Italy. A little too cliched. Based on the Chairman's good intel, she likely is only allowed to play in Manhattan (and perhaps Flushing area?) So take her out of her comfort zone to a world she hasn't been to yet. Brooklyn. Show her things on her last night she's never seen before. If not all the way to Brooklyn, at least walk her across the Brooklyn Bridge (if she hasn't yet). Captain, will she say "yes" to going to Brooklyn? Or will she hear Daddy's voice in her head telling her to not leave Manhattan south of 59th Street? Maybe Brooklyn is an acceptable amount of rebellion? By now there must be glossy magazine spreads (or internet equivalent) in Korean travel media explaining that Brooklyn no longer necessarily equals instant death and has a couple of places a young Korean exchange student might want to see.

7. Granted, as a Korean exchange student, she may not have known yet how trite Little Italy is, and could have been charmed. But if she was at NYU for a semester, she must have already tried some American cannoli, so to speak, so figure out what else she hasn't seen yet in NY.

8. Yes, yes. She's leaving tomorrow. But you STILL were a bit premature. And goodness, yes, that last move was rushed and awkward. Very much like the last Jimmy Butler 3-pt attempt with 17 seconds left in Game 5. Shouldn't have made that resolution to make your move by dessert. She can sleep on the plane, so you've got at least until Before Sunrise*. You are now Ethan Hawke. Granted a little creepier, though maybe not much creepier than Ethan Hawke in 2023.

9.To UM's point about just making a test move without some point take her somewhere where you have to cross a busy street - grab her hand to lead her "safely". Canal or Bowery would have been adequate in this situation, but going back to the Brooklyn Bridge, the area around the entrance to the bridge on either side is preferred. That shit is dangerous.

10. Alternative/additional agenda item: East River Ferry. Last ride on a Saturday night is 9:45 from Fulton St. Best if you're on the verge of missing it, but then rush to catch it and barely make it in time. Adrenalin rush! So there's your high five somebody mentioned. Staten Island Ferry isn't a bad choice either if it's too late. Then she she's stuck with you for well over another hour.

11. I'm just making shit up now, but as the night runs long and she starts to get tired, as you're on your way back from Staten Island, leaning over the railing looking at the approaching night skyline with the wind blowing....offer a hand massage. (I don't know: somebody check if there's some sort of hand massage that might counter fatigue). Seems like a quasi-plausible non-threatining-ISH way to ratchet up the physical contact.

12. After that, well you're on your own. I've never gotten past the hand massage level myself. Wait, no, I once did. And then I married her. But I didn't get laid that night. And to be fair, that particular girl I married that time was not 45 years younger than me. Though she was getting on a plane the next day.

*This was also ostensibly the plot of Groundhog Day. He also only had one day/one night to bed Andie McDowell. He just had infinite chances.

Anyway what the fuck happened after busking in SoHo? Or rather, did any fuck happen after busking in SoHo?


Check It
Messages: 1,431
Reviews: 1
You go on a day date with a 70 year old man older than your Father and expect not to consummate the date.

Ask yourself would she do this with a random strange man in Korea and expect he doesn't want to f***? :confused:


Check It
Messages: 1,431
Reviews: 1
yeah man.. this hobby has skewed your sense of reality
i'd like to ask if i may,,,,did this hobby start when your marriage hit a wall or before?
Relationships are more straightforward outside of the USA. If anything the hobby makes you understand what the natural environment actually IS.

In no other country would a girl do this and act coy like she doesn't understand the possibility here. They wouldn't even continue the interaction if not ready, to avoid even the PERCEPTION of such a thing...


Check It
Messages: 1,431
Reviews: 1
the jaded part being he misread the situation due to his years of easy (paid for) pussy. Jaded is properly used.
Check my comments above. If she didn't want an old hairy Ahjusshi (Uncle) balls slamming her guts she should have kept it at lunch at best and bounced.

As the next poster accurately said she took this shit way too far. It wouldn't surprise me if she was secretly playing this game knowing she can only get away with it in USA.


Registered Member
Messages: 1,035
Reviews: 6
Check my comments above. If she didn't want an old hairy Ahjusshi (Uncle) balls slamming her guts she should have kept it at lunch at best and bounced.

As the next poster accurately said she took this shit way too far. It wouldn't surprise me if she was secretly playing this game knowing she can only get away with it in USA.
being she was a Japanese exchange student, I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt that she was happy for the company and had no intentions of more happening. Being the OP is a member here and pays for pussy, I’m sticking with my opinion.


Check It
Messages: 1,431
Reviews: 1
being she was a Japanese exchange student, I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt that she was happy for the company and had no intentions of more happening. Being the OP is a member here and pays for pussy, I’m sticking with my opinion.
In Japan if a young student goes out with an old man she isn't related to, she is shamed as a prostitute.


hAnEsT rEbEws OnRy
Messages: 369
Reviews: 21
I think your jaded. Like most of us in this hobby, you start to think of woman as objects.
I've had 2 cars and I loved them both dearly, looking forward to buying another one just for fun. Last year I bought a pricey camera but I haven't even thought of using it for awhile. Turns out you tend to have a personal relationships with inanimate objects.

It also turns out women, in the right context, fucking enjoy being objectified.