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What women want


Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker...
Messages: 7,106
Reviews: 144
I watched the video in the link and listened to the female host babble.

I have never been in any type of non-transactional situation with a female.
Honestly I have no idea what they want and the older I get the less I care.
But like the old owl who sat in the oak, I have observed much (while little I spoke).
From the outside looking in, IMO only of course, it seems to me what females seek most is a guy who makes them feel superior to their friends.
Someone they can "one up" their friends about and make them jealous when they are all yapping about their SOs.
So if her group of friends is into thugs, she'll want the "thuggiest".
Rich guys? She'll want the richest.
Tree hugger types? She'll want the "greenest".
And so on.
They don't seem very much into independent thought.
But again, that's all just the opinion of a worn out old old (wise or not) sitting in an oak....


Review Contributor
Messages: 458
Reviews: 34
A someone who has had about ten long term relationships (incl my wife lol) a couple dozen short term relationships and another fifty or so flings, unlike @AutomaticSlim, I have been in mostly non-transactional situation with women (or at least not overtly lol).

There is truth in his insight about women looking to one up their friends. Or, certain women, perhaps most "conventional" women. Certainly explains my wife and her crew of friends.

But my wife and her friends are insecure, emotionally stunted people (I chose my wife for sex and charm, unfortunately, not compatibility). There are lots of cool, emotionally mature women looking for lots of different things in their partners.

One thing I've found more generally, which I didn't come up with but once I'd heard it, I saw it everywhere -- women's ideal relationship state is serial monogamy and men's is polygamy. When men cheat, they're in their steady state -- relationships are unnatural for us. When women cheat, they're just moving to the next lilypad.


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Messages: 629
Reviews: 24
Dominant and assertive are 2 words that are usually frowned upon nowadays, but are commonly important traits in relationships and instinctive chain of commands.
Lets not pretend society can change our instincts. Yes, it can make us soft but it cannot change instincts...Just like with any other colony or pack animal, there will be a dominant and assertive male that is often in charge. The female is capable of the role, and will own it if there isn't a male to take it, but there is an instinctive, natural order.

As for the "nice" guy....the origin of the word nice is nescire.....which is defined as "stupid, not knowing", "ignorant", "able to be taken advantage of". This modern day version of "nice" is the first one that's ever been a compliment to some, but knowledge is power. Lol


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Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
As a recovering beta male; I’ll will say it’s not just women who want a strong man; it’s society. Don’t listen to what’s in the news; it’s wrong. My life has been deeply effected by being too nice and not standing up for myself. So much wasted opportunity and so much regret. From my career to my personal relationships; i can pinpoint so many moments where I needed to act and didn’t; I wish I could go back and do it all over.

The good news is; I’ve seen a major improvement since I dropped the beta male act.

Not saying be a hot head. Nope. But never be afraid of confrontation and standing up for yourself when it’s necessary.


Registered Member
Messages: 629
Reviews: 24
As a recovering beta male; I’ll will say it’s not just women who want a strong man; it’s society. Don’t listen to what’s in the news; it’s wrong. My life has been deeply effected by being too nice and not standing up for myself. So much wasted opportunity and so much regret. From my career to my personal relationships; i can pinpoint so many moments where I needed to act and didn’t; I wish I could go back and do it all over.

The good news is; I’ve seen a major improvement since I dropped the beta male act.

Not saying be a hot head. Nope. But never be afraid of confrontation and standing up for yourself when it’s necessary.
Perfectly stated. And when you take this position, everybody takes notice. From women, to family, to friends, to co workers...from people you have known your entire life, to people you have met within a few minutes.


Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker...
Messages: 7,106
Reviews: 144
But never be afraid of confrontation and standing up for yourself when it’s necessary.
Has that helped you to get hot young girls to throw themselves at you for free?
I've been confrontational pretty much my entire adult life, as well as being relatively successful in my work, but I've never had girls seek me out.
I really think guys on this site downplay looks, especially jawline and chiseled facial features as well as a natural mesomorphic body type. Which are all things a guy is either born with or not.

Don Hollinger

Registered Member
Messages: 435
Reviews: 7
Interesting video. She's nowhere near the peak of her powers, shrewd, tough and smart. And high maintenance in a way that won't age well.

I show up with a nice envelope, behave nicely and have a nice time. I'm always invited back. Because I'm nice.
It takes far less energy and mental bandwidth to be nice--- when I'm visiting these nice ladies.

Words change meaning over time. I do respect and appreciate @ASHP585 take on the word, however.


Registered Member
Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
Has that helped you to get hot young girls to throw themselves at you for free?
I've been confrontational pretty much my entire adult life, as well as being relatively successful in my work, but I've never had girls seek me out.
I really think guys on this site downplay looks, especially jawline and chiseled facial features as well as a natural mesomorphic body type. Which are all things a guy is either born with or not.
It definitely has helped; but there is still more that goes into it like you said. Generally women who are young and hot have very high standards. They really want the 10 guy; and I agree looks play a role in that. . I am kind of in between the guy who gets all the action he wants and the guy who can’t get anything at all. I’ll get some interest from women here and there and can get laid for free with some effort. But certainly not what mr Chad gets.


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Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
Do you think age is a big factor? I tend to think it isn’t. Women in their 20’s will say no guy over 35 ha!; but when it comes down to it; if the guy is fit, decent looking, and has himself together financially; it matters not. At a certain point it might matter; like Michael Douglas is 77 now and it probably would be a factor. But Michael Douglas in his 50’s and 60’s? That was like “sexiest man alive.” Same goes for Sean Connery or Liam Neeson.


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Messages: 176
Reviews: 1
Sean Connery- interesting you mention him- even dead, women of all ages still want him! :). I don’t fully understand it, but something about him young as the first Bond just resonated with women - even Pussy Galore - the man so handsome even a Lesbian couldn’t resist him in the end.


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Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
Act kinda aggressive and the girls will come???
No, in fact acting “aggressive” is as bad or worse than acting like pushover. It’s a huge turn off when a man can’t control his emotions. Stoicism is important.

This is about not being a pushover. It can be small things. A woman tries to do a “maybe date” tell her to contact you when she is sure she can meet up. Never accept maybe dates. A woman who puts in low effort or shows low interest; move on. Don’t ever chase women. Women don’t love guys they don’t respect and they don’t respect guys who deal with nonsense. But it should always be done in a calm way. Trust me it works when they find out you don’t tolerate nonsense. You are more likely to attract them back.


Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker...
Messages: 7,106
Reviews: 144
Sean Connery- interesting you mention him- even dead, women of all ages still want him! :). I don’t fully understand it, but something about him young as the first Bond just resonated with women - even Pussy Galore - the man so handsome even a Lesbian couldn’t resist him in the end.
Sure but putting Hollywood actors and 1%ers into the mix is really not part of this conversation.
Hell, Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler are two of the ugliest spuds you'll ever find, and they can pull hot young girls at will.
If you take a 50 something guy with Daniel Craig's looks & build, but he's a CPA or a plumber or something making $200K/year, do you think he still gets anywhere near the attention from girls in their early 20s as the real Daniel Craig would get?


Registered Member
Messages: 54
Reviews: 5
Some real good insights here - would not have expected it from a forum discussing bbbjs and cims! I think what women want is hugely overrated. They want to feel like they are a queen, but then occassionally spanked and made submissive. That woman in the video is just grappling with this - goes out to see a nice guy because he will make her feel like a queen, but most nice guys won't pull her hair and fuck her rough. Her pussy needs to be manhandled every once in a while, and it takes a real man to give that to her.


Registered Member
Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
Sure but putting Hollywood actors and 1%ers into the mix is really not part of this conversation.
Hell, Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler are two of the ugliest spuds you'll ever find, and they can pull hot young girls at will.
If you take a 50 something guy with Daniel Craig's looks & build, but he's a CPA or a plumber or something making $200K/year, do you think he still gets anywhere near the attention from girls in their early 20s as the real Daniel Craig would get?
Not even close. But I’d argue that guy would still get enough to keep himself very busy.