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What women want

metal rat

Messages: 461
Reviews: 5
Women think about cock as much as men think about pussy, after a date, a girl and her girlfriend’s want to know did she get that dick, how was the sex and did he call her the next day.


Registered Member
Messages: 950
Reviews: 1
Some real good insights here - would not have expected it from a forum discussing bbbjs and cims! I think what women want is hugely overrated. They want to feel like they are a queen, but then occassionally spanked and made submissive. That woman in the video is just grappling with this - goes out to see a nice guy because he will make her feel like a queen, but most nice guys won't pull her hair and fuck her rough. Her pussy needs to be manhandled every once in a while, and it takes a real man to give that to her.
Treating her like a queen is no bueno. If you treat a woman like a celebrity she will treat you like a fan. Not saying treat her bad; but never put on a pedestal.

But maybe wires are getting crossed here because I was talking about a long term relationship. Sounds like maybe others are talking a sex playmate. In that case very different approaches.

Me personally I wouldn’t want a hot 20 something yr old for a long term relationship. I have nothing in common with them….. Unless I want to play daddy. And I am only 40.


Registered Member
Messages: 54
Reviews: 5
If you treat a woman like a celebrity she will treat you like a fan. Not saying treat her bad; but never put on a pedestal.
Yeah, that is exactly right - this might sound misogynistic, but the best comparison is to training a dog. Give enough attention to keep it affectionate and coming back to play fetch, but not so much that it climbs all over your furniture and chews up your rug. A male has to be a good trainer, else the female gets out of hand.


Review Contributor
Messages: 8,248
Reviews: 182
As a recovering beta male; I’ll will say it’s not just women who want a strong man; it’s society. Don’t listen to what’s in the news; it’s wrong. My life has been deeply effected by being too nice and not standing up for myself. So much wasted opportunity and so much regret. From my career to my personal relationships; i can pinpoint so many moments where I needed to act and didn’t; I wish I could go back and do it all over.

The good news is; I’ve seen a major improvement since I dropped the beta male act.

Not saying be a hot head. Nope. But never be afraid of confrontation and standing up for yourself when it’s necessary.
Being strong and assertive is the way to be as a Man. Women like when they feel you can protect em. Some of em like it a bit too much. Also your managers and HR dont fuck with you as much when you voice your opinions.

Also fucking em like an animal is sometimes what they want that primal urge makes them let loose.

Lastly there are other Men that need to be checked. Will never forget in 04 arguing with a pimp in Queens plaza from a car date with his girl. With it ending in him saying give him another 5 mins. And other scenarios . I dont advocate violence but I do advocate in being a Man and not letting other Men disrespect you in person.


Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker...
Messages: 7,106
Reviews: 144
Sounds like maybe others are talking a sex playmate.
That's all I've ever been talking about. :p

Me personally I wouldn’t want a hot 20 something yr old for a long term relationship. I have nothing in common with them…
Good. Send her to me. Just be sure to mention to her about the playmate thing...;)


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,058
Reviews: 35
Sure but putting Hollywood actors and 1%ers into the mix is really not part of this conversation.
Hell, Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler are two of the ugliest spuds you'll ever find, and they can pull hot young girls at will.
If you take a 50 something guy with Daniel Craig's looks & build, but he's a CPA or a plumber or something making $200K/year, do you think he still gets anywhere near the attention from girls in their early 20s as the real Daniel Craig would get?
Great point Slim . I always reference those two guys as being the luckiest guys alive in that they were really talented and lucky enough to hit it really big , and reap the rewards from that . Without that , those ugly fucks might still be virgins in their 70’s …

이 회장님

Review Contributor
Messages: 5,729
Reviews: 125
I’ve met several very attractive women in SA during the past month and I’ve also dated several civvies (White girls).

In my opinion, women want the total package, “above average in looks”, nice job, nice and respectful. I can understand and respect that because I want the same in a woman. lol.

And yes, you guys are right—women love to compare about their guy to each other.

Many of these attractive women have told me that the men they have met in the past have money and a great job but are very cocky and arrogant. My response, “Well, nobody’s perfect.” lol.

The White girls tell me that I’m nice and cool and the Korean girls tell me that I’m arrogant and an asshole so who knows?!? lol.

metal rat

Messages: 461
Reviews: 5
I’ve been on the receiving end of the hot, attractive girls and women, I’ve not been shy or intimidated to approach them. Women can’t resist a man who desires them, something about needing to live up to his pedestal placement of her. Also be aware it’ll your hygiene, hair combed, styled, clean finger nails, clothes that fit you well, a simple chain around your neck, women notice. I’ve also had quite a few women who were in a relationship, weren’t lacking in material things and lifestyle, all they wanted was an occasional sexual exploit, not a date, not a night out for dining, drinks etc. they just wanted to bang it out. The lies they used to creep around was almost comical, being they really weren’t some over the top lie. One thing I consistently found with these women was that they weren’t content as far as being desired by their man, no more great sex, nothing like when they first met and the chase was on. Women stray, wives and girlfriends alike, another thing about them was, they made the initial contact with me, a note on my vehicle, a note via one of their trusted girlfriend’s, some were outright blunt. Even though most of these women were accustomed to the nicer things, they had no problem crawling into a backseat or blanket in the grass, when a woman decides she wants that cock………
Don’t think that women are only sitting around having dinner/drinks and talking about handbags, shoes or their kids, they tend to talk a lot about sex, how they like and want it. Men tend to think hot women are so unattainable, when in reality they are the lonelier ones, they kinda do it to themselves by having to constantly appear to have it all together, to me, they are the most vulnerable.


Review Contributor
Messages: 8,248
Reviews: 182
I’ve been on the receiving end of the hot, attractive girls and women, I’ve not been shy or intimidated to approach them. Women can’t resist a man who desires them, something about needing to live up to his pedestal placement of her. Also be aware it’ll your hygiene, hair combed, styled, clean finger nails, clothes that fit you well, a simple chain around your neck, women notice. I’ve also had quite a few women who were in a relationship, weren’t lacking in material things and lifestyle, all they wanted was an occasional sexual exploit, not a date, not a night out for dining, drinks etc. they just wanted to bang it out. The lies they used to creep around was almost comical, being they really weren’t some over the top lie. One thing I consistently found with these women was that they weren’t content as far as being desired by their man, no more great sex, nothing like when they first met and the chase was on. Women stray, wives and girlfriends alike, another thing about them was, they made the initial contact with me, a note on my vehicle, a note via one of their trusted girlfriend’s, some were outright blunt. Even though most of these women were accustomed to the nicer things, they had no problem crawling into a backseat or blanket in the grass, when a woman decides she wants that cock………
Don’t think that women are only sitting around having dinner/drinks and talking about handbags, shoes or their kids, they tend to talk a lot about sex, how they like and want it. Men tend to think hot women are so unattainable, when in reality they are the lonelier ones, they kinda do it to themselves by having to constantly appear to have it all together, to me, they are the most vulnerable.
Some attractive Women really critique themselves more than average Women.