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Experience vs. Beauty


Review Contributor
Messages: 8,248
Reviews: 182
I was I formed by a Mama of how old some of the girls are. You'd be surprised. Surgery and makeup do a lot.
Not to people who look for those things. I trust @AutomaticSlim estimates to be around that age. He is wayyyy better than most here.

That being said. I go for mainly young providers. Asian and Latina. However when i economize i go after the late 30's early 40's motel pros for ,$130 30 mins. Age does help them with service however. If a pro really wants to she can shine even at early 20's- late 20's.

Me if there is a pro that's 23 and she's $230 and a pro that's 43 and she's $200 guess who I'm picking. Without hesitation the pro that's early 20's.

I dont even check for the Chinese talent in Manhattan anymore.


Your ATF’s ATF
Messages: 259
Reviews: 20
Not to people who look for those things. I trust @AutomaticSlim estimates to be around that age. He is wayyyy better than most here.

That being said. I go for mainly young providers. Asian and Latina. However when i economize i go after the late 30's early 40's motel pros for ,$130 30 mins. Age does help them with service however. If a pro really wants to she can shine even at early 20's- late 20's.

Me if there is a pro that's 23 and she's $230 and a pro that's 43 and she's $200 guess who I'm picking. Without hesitation the pro that's early 20's.

I dont even check for the Chinese talent in Manhattan anymore.
I agree with you for the most part. I lived in Korea for many years also so I think I’m pretty good at estimating real age of Asian women. However, each person ages differently and now that I’ve reached age 40 myself, I’m not as picky about a girl being young vs if they are attractive, sexy, smart, and generally not crazy.
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Registered Member
Messages: 111
Reviews: 15
I think most would prefer the youngest and most attractive companion they can find. That being said, I have spent time with a few companions in their twenties who relied a little too much and their looks and didn't really provide a true GFE experience. And I've spent with a few older providers who didn't seem to have any idea what they were doing. As always it's YMMV and difficult to generalize.


Registered Member
Messages: 102
Reviews: 4
Experience over beauty for me.

I have a hard-on for young Caucasian/White/American girls, the kind you see at the “just out of college“ bars that I would never have a shot with. But, those kinds of girls (usually only available at agencies), they’re uptight AF IMO and act like their sh*t don’t stink. They’ll microcharge you for every little “extra” thing you want, on top of the already crazy high HF. They know they don’t need to settle, that their “kind” is rarer and in demand. I don’t intend to make a generalization here, just speaking from my own experience…

Older Caucasian girls have mellowed out significantly, the late 30s to 40s Caucasian girls are IMO the sweet spot for experience and a good value time.


Registered Member
Messages: 130
Reviews: 6
Older Caucasian girls have mellowed out significantly, the late 30s to 40s Caucasian girls are IMO the sweet spot for experience and a good value time.
Grandfather always said 5s and 6s make the world go round, and in that age group, 5s 6s and 7s are aplenty! Plus if they're divorced, don't have to try very hard either.


Registered Member
Messages: 130
Reviews: 6
Would you rather bang Jennifer Aniston at 20 or Jennifer Aniston at 50?
She's cute no doubt, at 20 or at 50, probably would be at 70 too. But, the real question is, does she do jackhammer and does she let you UTC? We don't know. But we DO know that 2 out of 3 AMP ladies, in their 50s, let you UTC and know that jackhammer doesn't get er done.

Don Hollinger

Registered Member
Messages: 435
Reviews: 7
Early on I used to visit girls who were in their 20's. They were very pretty, knew it, did the deed, no connection. In all fairness these younger women are that thrill ride at the amusement park that everyone waits in line for hours to get on. They're making bank but wear out quickly.

Experienced women know how to make you feel about life and act like you're the one who rocks their world the most. And what I like about them is that their skill set, every move, gesture and word is seamless. Like I'm convinced that under different circumstances I could be that guy. As it stands, I am that guy. The guy who's shelled out thousands over several years and will continue to shell out the dollars.

I've walked away from encounters with impossibly hot, beautiful, young women feeling like the crusty, old monger that I am (I'm turning 65). An even older, sorry ass senior citizen.
But with an experienced lady, still hot but a bit older and less in demand, I feel like a much younger man.


Review Contributor
Messages: 951
Reviews: 32
While we all love the attractiveness of younger and popular talent, I still prefer the more seasoned or mature Asians. Ladies that may have been as popular in their prime as those that are salivated over today.
I find that once a level of comfort is formed with you the encounters can be incredible. The best are those still working but in very UTR shops that most mongers would never even think of or blog about.
Because they are very UTR a certain trust factor and somewhat frequent visits becomes essential. Don’t let age deceive you. Nothing beats a complete GFE experience with a mature Asian female. And BTW, they don’t all have expanded midriffs and skinny legs, LOL


Review Contributor
Messages: 128
Reviews: 10
Age and experience and big tits here too. And the bonus for us old timers is a fifty year old woman is actually a young one. Lol.
I feel the same,,a woman in her 40s is young to me...50s is as well...and they know when you are into them and it must make they feel good because they do so good. I always find something nice to say to these ladies l want them to give me their best.


Review Contributor
Messages: 77
Reviews: 23
I'm guessing I'm younger and fitter than most people on this board. I much prefer youth and beauty to experience. I like to control the action so as long as she can take it and is somewhat accommodating I'll have an amazing time with her and her hot young body.


Wine is fine, but whiskey is quicker...
Messages: 7,106
Reviews: 144
I'm guessing I'm younger and fitter than most people on this board. I much prefer youth and beauty to experience. I like to control the action so as long as she can take it and is somewhat accommodating I'll have an amazing time with her and her hot young body.
Maybe you are and maybe you aren't.
I don't think a guy's age or shape plays into this at all.
Really does not matter.
At least not for me.
I'm 57, in decent shape for my age, and I will want the young petite ones until I croak.
If I make it to 100 and have a hunchback and a pot belly, I will still want hot young petite girls.
It's why I've always "paid for it".
It's how I've always been.
I'm not going to change.