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Experience vs. Beauty


Registered Member
Messages: 23
I enjoy young beautiful providers with perfect bodies, but overall I prefer someone with experience, sexual and otherwise. And at my age, as others close to my vintage have noted, almost every woman is a "younger woman" anyway.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,175
Reviews: 44
I enjoy young beautiful providers with perfect bodies, but overall I prefer someone with experience, sexual and otherwise. And at my age, as others close to my vintage have noted, almost every woman is a "younger woman" anyway.
The last time that I hit on an older woman I was thrown out of the nursing home.


Registered Member
Messages: 70
Reviews: 7
Mileage does matter especially considering what activities are usually involved in your encounter. My priority is more like
No sign of STD > Youth > Beauty > Sweet personality but not greedy > Service


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,175
Reviews: 44
Mileage does matter especially considering what activities are usually involved in your encounter. My priority is more like
No sign of STD > Youth > Beauty > Sweet personality but not greedy > Service
Good traits without over complicating. As I have gotten older I have narrowed it down to 2 things.
#1. Is she female.
#2. See #1.


Review Contributor
Messages: 346
Reviews: 48
I tell you what, last weekend I saw a local review of a new "girl" that seemed to be promising. I walked and quickly noticed that this girl was a very older, unattractive grandma. I asked for the bathroom and made a quick plan to say I needed to leave which I did. In my car I searched for the review and sure enough someone was gloating about some nice size D's in his mouth. I'm flabbergasted someone could get there and even write a review about her.

Beauty before experience seven days to Sunday.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,948
Reviews: 121
I tell you what, last weekend I saw a local review of a new "girl" that seemed to be promising. I walked and quickly noticed that this girl was a very older, unattractive grandma. I asked for the bathroom and made a quick plan to say I needed to leave which I did. In my car I searched for the review and sure enough someone was gloating about some nice size D's in his mouth. I'm flabbergasted someone could get there and even write a review about her.

Beauty before experience seven days to Sunday.
I know the review you're talking about. That place isn't known for its beauty.