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Non-US Retirement Options


Registered Member
Messages: 199
Reviews: 17
I have always planned on spending a significant portion of my retirement overseas but the events of the past weeks and months have convinced me that America's best days are behind it.

Bangkok has been at the top of my list since it has my 3 "must-haves"

Affordably priced
Monger friendly
Enough western influence where I am not completely overwhelmed

Has anyone else pondered this question? What are some other options to consider?


Registered Member
Messages: 145
Reviews: 5
I have always planned on spending a significant portion of my retirement overseas but the events of the past weeks and months have convinced me that America's best days are behind it.

Bangkok has been at the top of my list since it has my 3 "must-haves"

Affordably priced
Monger friendly
Enough western influence where I am not completely overwhelmed

Has anyone else pondered this question? What are some other options to consider?
I've been to Bangkok in my pre-hobby days, so I don't know what it's really like. But I have feeling it's become overplayed and the women, whether they're providers or looking for foreign boyfriends, are just tiring and unpleasant. Vietnam, Philippines, and Malaysia seem better to me. You could even be a modern mongering nomad and hop from country to country like one does in Midtown.

이 회장님

Review Contributor
Messages: 5,729
Reviews: 125
I have met many people who have moved to mongering destinations such as Thailand and the Dominican Republic and many of them have told me that they got tired of life over there. Many became homesick. There’s also the cultural and language barrier to overcome.

I recommend just visiting such countries for a week or two and enjoy your time there and then come back home to America.

When it comes to the overall best quality of life, hands down it’s America. Why do you think hundreds of Koreans line up at the US Embassy everyday? lol.


Registered Member
Messages: 397
Reviews: 4
I have always planned on spending a significant portion of my retirement overseas but the events of the past weeks and months have convinced me that America's best days are behind it.

Bangkok has been at the top of my list since it has my 3 "must-haves"
Affordably priced
Monger friendly
Enough western influence where I am not completely overwhelmed

Has anyone else pondered this question? What are some other options to consider?
I would go to U tube and check our Rides for Kickz with Lucas. He has the information you want on Pataya


Registered Member
Messages: 568
Reviews: 38
To get a "green card" in Thailand you need to keep on deposit at a local bank 80,000 bahts or about $2700 dollars. A luxury condo with pool will run $500 a month. Most guys buy a motorcycle to get around town or just take a cheap taxi.
Mongering activities are very inexpensive in Pattaya and Bangkok, and there are literally thousands of attractive available girls. At least there were before their virus lockdowns.


Registered Member
Messages: 29
Reviews: 1
Mongering activities are very inexpensive in Pattaya and Bangkok, and there are literally thousands of attractive available girls. At least there were before their virus lockdowns.
I don't find thai girl attractive. out of all the working girls I see on soi 6, I had a hard time finding 5 I wanted to have sex with. so I just repeat with the ones I liked


Registered Member
Messages: 397
Reviews: 4
Mongering activities are very inexpensive in Pattaya and Bangkok, and there are literally thousands of attractive available girls. At least there were before their virus lockdowns.
Many have gone back to their towns or villages as a lot of places have closed. But the ones opened have ladies. You can live stream your favor bar and buy a round if you are so inclined


Registered Member
Messages: 568
Reviews: 38
I don't find thai girl attractive. out of all the working girls I see on soi 6, I had a hard time finding 5 I wanted to have sex with. so I just repeat with the ones I liked
We either have different tastes or see different girls. I find many Thai women to be stunningly beautiful. I think I will have a hard time, pun intended, choosing from the available options.


Review Contributor
Messages: 1,374
Reviews: 58
The other mongering countries are only a $100 plane ticket away, so you won't really be stuck.
The girls constantly fly back and forth while working between the monger friendly countries.


Registered Member
Messages: 397
Reviews: 4
Anyone here been to Australia?
I know that Sydney has a big scene.
Gold Coast is supposedly like Florida weather-wise. Would be an awesome place to go/live if they had as big a mongering scene as Sydney...
Right now you can not fly into or out off Australia. However once it is open for travel, brothels, spas ,etc are legal but expensive. A lot of Aussies used to fly to Thailand for the weekend before the pandemic