I hear what you're saying Slim. If by addiction we mean letting it interfere negatively with other aspects of life then sure, I just meant the constant seeking and craving for sex without the ability to do without for extended periods of time. Maybe its a bad example but I was thinking about people who are addicted to food, I would still call 375 lb people food 'addicts' even if it doesn't mean they are missing work or going broke because of their habit.
It's a habit they can't seem to get under control and to me the average monger is no different. I see us mongers as rather self-absorbed narcissists always looking inward and everything being about us and our hedonistic pleasures and own gratification. Instead of doing more productive things with our lives we dwell on the next hot amp chick we can bang and the buzz on the newest amp opening in our area.
Sex is a VERY VERY big deal to people on this board, while I am sure there are more normal dudes out there who don't find it necessary to turn to prostitutes and wouldn't even occur to them to do so, maybe being happily married where sex doesn't play much of a role in their lives and they are AOK with it. Just think that guys that spend countless hours dedicated to a board that specializes in information about whores puts us in a league of our own when it comes to focus on sex and that to me is an obsession or addiction.
Not trying to put anyone down, as I said I fully put myself in this category. Been going this route since 1995 so I consider myself either rather obsessed or a full blown sex/whore addict.Then again, maybe I have it all wrong lol.